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Music Comprehension 2Laajuus (7 cr)

Code: KMZM0107


7 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish


Music History 2:
The student knows Western's music main styles, tendencies, composers and styles from the 19th to the 20th centuries. He/She is able to locate the historical musical phenomena within the broader cultural and social contexts.

Musical Analysis 2:
The students know the structural principles of the main composition forms from Romanticism to the 21st Century. They understand their background and are able to explain in analytical concepts their aprehended wholes.

Solfege 2:
The students know the Classical and Romantic melodic, rhythmic and harmonic characteristic practices in listening and writing, as well as being able to realize them by score singing and dictation. The students understand the connections between old and new music.


Music History 2:
Western music's phenomena as part of the cultural and historical changes from the beginning of the 19th to the beginning of the 21st Century. Music's stylistic traits, composers and main genres.

Musical Analysis 2:
Musical forms of Western Music from Romanticism to the 21st Century. Two parts: a) Romantic musical forms and b) Analysis of newer music, form, melody and harmony.

Solfege 2:
The learning material is mainly from the Classical and Romantic periods: Melody and harmony and their development into free tonality. Acquaintance of other period's genres is gained during the course.


KMZM0106, Music comprehension 1 approval or corresponding knowledge (tested separately).

Music History 2:
Music History 1 (KMZM0102)or approval of corresponding knowledge to be tested separately.

Musical Analysis 2:
Musical Analysis 1 (KMZM0102) or approval of corresponding knowledge to be tested separately.

Solfege 2:
Solfege 1 (KMZM0301)or approval of corresponding knowledge and skills to be tested separately.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Music History 2:
Music History 2 consists of two literary and two listening exams. Literary exams 50% and listening 50%.

Passing 1
The Student knows some of the periods of musical history and can name some of the composers. He/She knows some of the terminology of music history.
Satisfactory 2
The student is able to name the main stylistic trends of music history in their diverse stages. He/She can name the main composers and knows the special terminology in music history.

Musical Analysis 2:

Passing 1
The students participate in lectures and complete their assignments.
Satisfactory 2
The students command the principles of analysis. They comprehend the work's structural sections from the score. They know the main composition forms of each period and know the difference between them.

Solfege 2:

Passing 1
Easy textures are difficult to comprehend, and general deficiencies exist in understanding textures.
Satisfactory 2
The students manage with average textures tolerably, encountering difficulties with more challenging tasks.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Music History 2:

Good 3
The student is able to name the main techniques of different styles and their terminology. He/She can identify the main works of music history by listening .
Praiseworthy 4
Apart from the Criteria Good (3), the student is acquainted with the work of several composers and their work in a larger historical background.

Musical Analysis 2:

Good 3
The students know the main structural principles of the main musical forms and know how to use his knowledge in analysis. They also know the composition forms pertaining to each period and can comprehend their form and harmonic structure.
Praiseworthy 4
They comprehend in a total way the work's structure in small scale works as well as in large wholes. The students are able to share their knowhow if necessary.

Solfege 2:

Good 3
Good knowledge and skills. The students manage with normal textures without difficulty.
Praiseworthy 4
Good knowledge and skills, comprehension of the difficult chordal texture. Ability to solve difficulties creatively.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Music History 2:

Excellent 5
The student understands the significance of music history periods and their development to the present day. He/She knows the styles and their practices, techniques and terminology,as well as the background reasons.

Musical Analysis 2:

Excellent 5
The students have developed their knowledge skills in terms of command of analysis. They can also analyse exceptional and/or problematic works.

Solfege 2:

Excellent 5
Advanced knowledge and skills, comprehension of the more difficult melodies and the difficult chordal texture. Ability to solve difficulties creatively. The student is able to seek information and develope skills independently.