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CompositionLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: KMZM0850


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish


The student can make his/her own compositions (melody and harmony) in different tonal styles. He/She knows the basics of composing in simple tonal and also in more modern free tonal style. The student knows the main instruments and their characteristics and use in diverse ensembles. He/She knows composition styles and is able to apply this knowledge at their best discretion.


Own compositions are made during the course and possibly arrangements from another composers works.


Music writing 2, approval or corresponding knowledge (tested separately).

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student has made the given assignments/composition according to instructions. The Basic things of composing are comprehended. Shows some initiative in the compositions.
The student hasn't made the given Works or they are not according to instructions. The Basic things of composing are not comprehended.