Assessment of Rehabilitation Needs IILaajuus (3 cr)
Code: SKOS1803
3 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Responsible person
- Teppo Karapalo
The student is able to use methods for assessing functional and working capacity in a suitable and justified manner. The student is able to assess and document the client's overall situation and understands the significance of the assessment and the results received therein for the overall evaluation of service and rehabilitation needs, and the rehabilitation process.
Reliable, appropriate and systematic assessment of the ability to work and function as a tool for the rehabilitation counsellor and in multi-professional work. Assessing and documenting the client's overall situation and its importance for the rehabilitation and service needs and the rehabilitation process. Methods for assessing the functional capacity of children, young people, adults and elderly clients according to the ICF framework. The indicators in the Toimia database.
The student understands the concepts of working capacity, functional capacity, rehabilitation needs and service needs. The student is familiar with the field in which rehabilitation and service needs are assessed. The student understands the development and changes of a person's capacity to work and function during different stages of life. The student acknowledges the importance of assessing the rehabilitation and service needs during the early stages of the rehabilitation process.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Passed: The student is aware of the principles of reliable, justified and systematic assessment. The student knows how to use the indicators for assessing functional capacity, the ICF framework and the ICF tools in assessing the client's capacity to work and function. The student is able to document the assessment results. The student is able to assess the overall situation and the rehabilitation and service needs of the client.
Autti-Rämö, I., Salminen, A.L., Rajavaara, M. & Ylinen, A. (toim.) 2016. Kuntoutuminen. Helsinki: Duodecim.
Toimintakyvyn arviointi.Terveyden ja hyvinvoininlaitos. 2019;
TOIMIA-tietokanta. 2019. Toimintakyvyn mittaamisen ja arvioinnin kansallinen asiantuntijaverkosto. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.
Kykyviisari –arvioi työ- ja toimintakykysi. 2019. Työterveyslaitos.
ICF-luokitus. 2020. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.