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Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology

Bachelor of Business Administration

Degree title:
Bachelor of Business Administration

210 ects

Key learning outcomes

The focus of the business information technology bachelor's degree programme is to prepare graduates for getting employed and succeeding in the global video game industry. The key learning outcomes are skills in critical and analytical understanding, applied game development skills, communication skills, critical skills in product development, ethical conduct, and skills for personal career development.

Education content and professional growth and know-how

Learning by doing is the main theme in this programme. The principle is utilized in almost all the modules and courses in the programme. In addition to face-to-face courses the learning goals are achieved by doing exercises and course wide assignments. The assignments can be e.g. developing a small size proof of concept game or a theme song of a game. The assessment is mostly done by recognizing the skills and knowledge face-to-face with the teacher in charge. Exams are used deliberately.

Another fundamental method is project-based learning. Students will create teams to solve given problems and create solutions. Tens of credits can be obtained by working in teams and developing own products from technical and businesswise aspects.

During the first year and second year, students concentrate on the fundamentals of game development, such as programming, game design, game engines, game art and visual design as skills to work in game development projects. They also acquire the necessary general working life skills. From second year onwards, students gain international exposure.

The third academic year students participate in Ticorporate Demo Lab, with focus on product development in a student-lead project. They are provided a working life environment and infrastructure together with local game development companies residing in Digi and Game Center. Practical training and/or an exchange period abroad is encouraged after Ticorporate Demo Lab project. One option is to continue the project work and game development with a team in Digi and Game Center with focus on entrepreneurship, production, monetization and publication of polished game product.

Flexible studies

Most of the courses are implemented by blending in-class activities with learning in virtual environments. There is also a good number of fully virtual courses. Students can choose their electives from bachelor level courses of other degree programmes or from CampusOnline, Edufutura, Yritystehdas, and Future Factory. In addition, relevant online MOOCs are regognized through approval by academic tutors and course instructors, as well as prior learning from other bachelor level studies.

Higher level studies completed elsewhere may be accredited as part of your degree. The student must have a certificate or some other document to prove that they have completed the studies. Skills acquired elsewhere can also be described and demonstrated to enable accreditation. Further information is available in the Study Guide.

Working life oriented learning

BIT students not only earn a BBA degree diploma, during their studies they also gain a significant level of project work experience in different game development projects. As BIT is an active partner in Jyväskylä Digi and Game Center, students also gain significant amount of contacts with local game development companies. In addition, BIT works closely with local game development collective. Practical training, projects and thesis are ways of learning and interacting with working life and companies. JAMK also offers support in participating in some important local, national and North European game development events.

Working life oriented learning is included in bachelor’s degree courses throughout the studies. These include practical training to promote professional skills, the thesis and various working life projects. At JAMK University of Applied Sciences, the operating model for working life oriented and student-driven learning is called JAMK Future Factory®. It combines working life operators, students, JAMK experts and working life oriented LAB environments and other learning environments. In addition to multidisciplinary and working life oriented project studies, it offers students a chance to develop their future working life skills, career paths and networks.

Studification is also among the options offered by working life oriented learning. It refers to combining work, project work, Future Factory activities, etc. with studies. Studification involves students drafting a studification plan and documenting it in the manner agreed with the teacher. Further information is available in the Study Guide.

Career opportunities and employment

After getting a Bachelor's degree in Business Information technology, there are lot of options for career. These include, but are not limited to:
Game Designer
Game Programmer
Game Artist
Game Producer
Project Manager
Marketing Manager


There are no specific degree-related or statutory qualification requirements in the field.

Further studies

Students may, after graduation and a working career of at least two years, apply for studies leading up to a master’s degree. Studies can also be continued by applying for a university master’s degree programme or similar programmes. After a bachelor’s degree from a university of applied sciences, it is also possible to continue studies at higher education institutes abroad on master’s degree level programmes. A university of applied sciences also provides opportunities for continuing education in the form of specialisation studies, open studies, an online study portal (CampusOnline) and working life based continuing education.

A student who completes a master’s degree at a university of applied sciences may apply to continue on to postgraduate studies in science or arts at universities (Act 558/2009, Section 37).

Education planning

Feedback for curriculum was asked from other educators and people working in game companies. The topic has also been discussed with various game industry people in different forums.

Contact Information

Karhulahti Mika
Senior Lecturer, Global Competence

Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology

Timing 08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024 Code HTGP0230-3003 Groups HTG22S1 ZJA24KI
Timing 28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023 Code HTGP0220-3003 Groups HTG22S1 ZJA23SI
Timing 08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024 Code HTGP0250-3003 Groups HTG22S1 ZJA24KI
Timing 28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023 Code HTGP0240-3003 Groups HTG22S1 ZJA23SI
Timing 09.01.2024 - 20.05.2024 Code HTGP0490-3003 Groups HTG22S1 ZJA24KI
Timing 08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024 Code HTGP0270-3004 Groups HTG22S1 ZJA24KI
Timing 28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023 Code HTGP0110-3006 Groups HTK23S1 HTG23S1 ZJAHTK23S1 ZJAHTG23S1
Timing 23.10.2023 - 19.12.2023 Code HTGP0190-3004 Groups HTG23S1 ZJAHTG23S1
Timing 29.01.2024 - 24.03.2024 Code HG00CI46-3001 Groups ZJA24KIGV
Timing 28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023 Code HTGP0120-3002 Groups HTK21S1 HTG21S1
Timing 28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023 Code HTGP0020-3002 Groups HTK21S1 HTG21S1
Timing 23.10.2023 - 19.12.2023 Code HTGP0050-3007 Groups HTK23S1 HTG23S1 ZJAHTK23S1 ZJAHTG23S1
Timing 28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023 Code HTGP0060-3005 Groups HTK23S1 HTG23S1 ZJAHTK23S1 ZJAHTG23S1
Timing 08.01.2024 - 10.03.2024 Code HTGP0080-3005 Groups HTK23S1 HTG23S1 ZJAHTK23S1 ZJAHTG23S1
Timing 15.01.2024 - 20.05.2024 Code HTGP0260-3005 Groups HTG23S1 ZJAHTG23S1
Timing 28.08.2023 - 31.07.2024 Code HBIETE02-3005 Groups HTG22S1 SNS22S1 TLP22S1 TIC22S1 MTM23S1 HBI23S1 HTG23S1 SNS23S1 TIC23S1 TAR23S1 TLP23S1 HTG21S1 MTM21S1 HBI21S1 TLP21S1 SNS21S1 HBI22S1 MTM22S1
Timing 08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024 Code HTGP0330-3003 Groups HTG22S1 ZJA24KI
Timing 28.08.2023 - 31.07.2024 Code HTGP0150-3002 Groups HTG21S1 ZJK24KI ZJA24KI ZJA23SINO1
Timing 28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023 Code HTGP0500-3005 Groups HTG22S1 HBI23VS HBI18S1 HTK22S1 HBI19S1 MTM23VS HBI20S1 HTG23VS ZJA23SI HBI18K1 HTK21S1 HBI21S1 HTK20S1 HBI22S1
Timing 12.02.2024 - 20.05.2024 Code HTGP0450-3007 Groups HTG22S1 HTK21S1 HTG21S1 HTK22S1 HTG24VK
Timing 28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023 Code HTGP0460-3003 Groups HTG21S1
Timing 28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023 Code HTGP0460-3004 Groups HTK21S1
Timing 28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023 Code HTGP0470-3003 Groups HTG21S1
Timing 08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024 Code HTGP0210-3005 Groups HTG23S1 ZJAHTG23S1
Timing 28.08.2023 - 29.02.2024 Code HTGP0170-3003 Groups HTG22S1 ZJA23SI
Timing 28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023 Code HG00BY32-3001 Groups HTG23S1 ZJA23SI ZJK23SI
Timing 08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024 Code HTGP0160-3004 Groups HTG23S1 ZJAHTG23S1
Timing 28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023 Code HTGP0280-3003 Groups HTG22S1 ZJA23SI ZJK23SI
Timing 08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024 Code HTGP0310-3003 Groups HTG22S1 ZJA24KI
Timing 13.02.2024 - 20.05.2024 Code HTGP0370-3002 Groups HTG21S1 HBI19S1 ZJK24KI HBI21S1 HTG24VK HBI20S1 HBI22S1 ZJA24KI
Timing 04.03.2024 - 20.05.2024 Code HTGP0180-3006 Groups ZJK24KI HTG24VK HTG23S1 ZJAHTG23S1 ZJA24KI
Timing 15.09.2023 - 05.11.2023 Code HTGP0180-3007 Groups ZJA23SIT2AANE
Timing 11.09.2023 - 19.12.2023 Code HTGP0340-3003 Groups HTG22S1 ZJA23SI
Timing 28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023 Code HG00BX86-3001 Groups HTG23S1 ZJAHTG23S1
Timing 08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024 Code HTGP0380-3003 Groups HTG22S1 ZJA24KI
Timing 08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024 Code ZZPP0420-3174 Groups HTG23S1 ZJAHTG23S1
Timing 12.02.2024 - 20.06.2024 Code HTGP0510-3004 Groups HTG22S1 HTK21S1 HTK22S1 HBI19S1 HTG24VK HBI21S1 HBI20S1 HTK20S1 HBI22S1 ZJA24KI
Timing 08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024 Code ZZPP0620-3157 Groups HTG21S1
Timing 05.03.2024 - 24.04.2024 Code ZZVV0420-3004
Timing 28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023 Code HTGP0290-3003 Groups HTG22S1 ZJA24KI
Timing 20.05.2024 - 31.07.2024 Code KDMP0410-3004 Groups ZJK24KI HTG23S1 ZJA24KI
Timing 21.05.2024 - 31.07.2024 Code HTGP0360-3003 Groups HTG22S1 ZJA24KI
Timing 08.09.2023 - 19.12.2023 Code HTGP0200-3003 Groups HTG22S1 ZJA23SI
Timing 08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024 Code HTGP0300-3003 Groups HTG23S1 ZJAHTG23S1
Timing 28.08.2023 - 13.10.2023 Code HTGP0070-3005 Groups HTK23S1 HTG23S1 ZJAHTK23S1 ZJAHTG23S1
Timing 21.08.2023 - 31.07.2024 Code ZZPP0520-3223 Groups HTG23S1 ZJAHTG23S1
Timing 28.08.2023 - 31.07.2024 Code HTGP0130-3003 Groups HTG21S1
Timing 28.08.2023 - 20.05.2024 Code HTGP0410-3002 Groups HTG21S1 ZJK24KI ZJK23SI ZJA23SINO1
Timing 08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024 Code HTGP0010-3004 Groups HTG23S1 ZJAHTG23S1
Timing 11.09.2023 - 19.12.2023 Code HTGP0320-3003 Groups HTG22S1 HBI23VS HBI19S1 HBI21S1 MTM23VS HTG23VS HBI20S1 HBI22S1 ZJA23SI
Timing 12.02.2024 - 20.05.2024 Code HTGP0090-3004 Groups HTG22S1 HTK22S1
Timing 08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024 Code HBIETE03-3006 Groups HTG22S1 SNS22S1 TLP22S1 MTM23S1 HBI23S1 HBI20S1 SNS23S1 TAR23S1 SNS20S1 TLP23S1 MTM21S1 SNS21S1 HBI22S1 MTM22S1
Timing 08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024 Code HTGP0480-3002 Groups HTK21S1 HTG21S1
Timing 28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023 Code HTGP0100-3005 Groups HTG22S1
Timing 26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024 Code HTGP0220-3004 Groups HTG23S1
Timing 13.01.2025 - 19.05.2025 Code HTGP0250-3004 Groups ZJA24SI HTG23S1
Timing 26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024 Code HTGP0240-3004 Groups ZJA24SI HTG23S1
Timing 13.01.2025 - 19.05.2025 Code HTGP0270-3005 Groups HTG23S1
Timing 26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024 Code HG00CI45-3001 Groups HTG24S1 ZJAHTG24S1
Timing 26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024 Code HG00CI45-3003 Groups HTG24S1 ZJAHTG24S1
Timing 26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024 Code HG00CF49-3001 Groups HTG24S1 ZJAHTG24S1
Timing 26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024 Code HT00CL43-3001 Groups HTG24S1 ZJAHTG24S1
Timing 26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024 Code HTGP0120-3003 Groups HTG22S1 HTK22S1
Timing 21.10.2024 - 18.12.2024 Code HTGP0020-3003 Groups HTG22S1 HTK22S1
Timing 26.08.2024 - 31.07.2025 Code HBIETE02-3006 Groups HTG22S1 SNS22S1 TLP22S1 TIC22S1 MTM23S1 HBI23S1 HTG23S1 SNS23S1 TIC23S1UAS TAR23S1 HBI24S1 TLP23S1 TAR22S1 HTG24S1 SNS24S1 MTM24S1 TAR24S1 TIC24S1 TLP24S1 HBI22S1 MTM22S1
Timing 26.08.2024 - 31.07.2025 Code HTGP0150-3003 Groups HTG22S1 ZJA24SINO1 ZJK24SINO1
Timing 26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024 Code HTGP0500-3006 Groups HTK21S1 ZJA24SI HTK22S1 HBI19S1 HTK23S1 HBI21S1 HBI23S1 HTG23S1 HBI20S1 HBI22S1
Timing 06.09.2024 - 18.12.2024 Code ZZ00CD03-3002
Timing 23.09.2024 - 18.12.2024 Code ZZ00CD03-3003
Timing 26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024 Code HTGP0460-3005 Groups HTG22S1
Timing 26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024 Code HTGP0460-3006 Groups HTK22S1
Timing 26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024 Code HTGP0470-3005 Groups HTG22S1
Timing 26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024 Code HTGP0170-3004 Groups ZJA24SI HTG23S1
Timing 26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024 Code HG00CI47-3001 Groups HTG24S1 ZJAHTG24S1
Timing 26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024 Code HTGP0280-3004 Groups HTG23S1
Timing 26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024 Code HTGP0340-3004 Groups HTG23S1 ZJA24KI
Timing 13.01.2025 - 19.05.2025 Code HG00CI44-3001 Groups HTG24S1 ZJAHTG24S1
Timing 13.01.2025 - 19.05.2025 Code HTGP0380-3004 Groups HTG23S1 ZJA25KI
Timing 02.09.2024 - 12.05.2025 Code ZZPP0420-3199 Groups MTM23S1 HBI23S1 HTG23S1 ZJAHTG23S1
Timing 13.01.2025 - 19.05.2025 Code ZZ00CB60-3004 Groups HTG24S1 ZJAHTG24S1
Timing 21.10.2024 - 19.05.2025 Code HG00CF48-3001 Groups HTG24S1 ZJAHTG24S1
Timing 13.01.2025 - 19.05.2025 Code HG00CF62-3001 Groups HTG24S1 HTG22S1 HTG21S1 HTG23S1 ZJAHTG24S1 HTG20S1
Timing 13.01.2025 - 19.05.2025 Code HG00CF56-3001 Groups HTG24S1 HTG23S1 ZJAHTG24S1
Timing 19.08.2024 - 20.12.2024 Code ZZ00CB57-3005 Groups HTG24S1 ZJAHTG24S1
Timing 26.08.2024 - 13.12.2024 Code ZZ00CB57-3016 Groups TER24S1 ZJATER24S1
Timing 01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024 Code ZZ00CB57-3018 Groups TSA24S1 TSA24SR1 ZJATSA24S1 TSA24SR2
Timing 01.01.2025 - 18.05.2025 Code ZZ00CB57-3026 Groups TSA25KM ZJATSA25KM
Timing 12.08.2024 - 31.12.2024 Code ZZ00CB57-3027 Groups TER24SM ZJATER24SM
Timing 26.08.2024 - 20.12.2024 Code ZZ00CB57-3034 Groups ZJASFT24S1 SFT24S1 ZJA24SS
Timing 26.08.2024 - 19.05.2025 Code ZZ00CB57-3035 Groups ZJM24SSVGSA ZJM24SSVGKL ZJM24SSVGKA ZJM24SSVGSL
Timing 19.08.2024 - 19.05.2025 Code ZZ00CB57-3036 Groups ZJASOS24SM SOS24SM
Timing 19.08.2024 - 18.05.2025 Code ZZ00CB57-3037 Groups ZJASKO24SM SKO24SM
Timing 19.08.2024 - 18.05.2025 Code ZZ00CB57-3038 Groups ZJASAR24S1 SAR24S1
Timing 19.08.2024 - 31.07.2025 Code ZZ00CB57-3039 Groups ZJASAR24SM SAR24SM ZJA24SS
Timing 19.08.2024 - 31.05.2025 Code ZZ00CB57-3041 Groups SAR24S2
Timing 01.08.2024 - 18.05.2025 Code ZZ00CB57-3042 Groups STT24S1 ZJASTT24S1 ZJA24SS
Timing 26.08.2024 - 23.12.2024 Code ZZ00CB57-3043 Groups ZJA24SHPM
Timing 01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025 Code ZZ00CB57-3047 Groups ZJA24SSA
Timing 26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024 Code HTGP0290-3004 Groups HTG23S1
Timing 20.05.2025 - 31.07.2025 Code HG00CI50-3001 Groups HTG24S1 ZJAHTG24S1 ZJA25KI ZJK25KI
Timing 09.09.2024 - 18.12.2024 Code HTGP0200-3004 Groups HTG23S1
Timing 26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024 Code HG00CI43-3001 Groups HTG24S1 ZJAHTG24S1
Timing 26.08.2024 - 31.07.2025 Code HTGP0130-3004 Groups HTG22S1
Timing 26.08.2024 - 31.07.2025 Code HTGP0410-3003 Groups HTG22S1
Timing 26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024 Code HTGP0320-3004 Groups ZJA24SI HBI21S1 HBI23S1 HTG23S1 HBI20S1 HBI22S1
Timing 10.02.2025 - 19.05.2025 Code HTGP0090-3005 Groups HTG23S1
Timing 13.01.2025 - 19.05.2025 Code HTGP0480-3003 Groups HTG22S1 HTK22S1
Timing 26.08.2024 - 25.10.2024 Code HTGP0100-3006 Groups ZJA24SI HTG23S1