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Digital counselling in rehabilitation and social servicesLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: SZXX2022


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Liisa Mattila


Description of the course:
As a result of digitalisation, the operating environments of rehabilitation have changed and will change in the coming years. This change challenges both rehabilitation professionals and rehabilitees on how to act safely and appropriately in different digital environments and communities.

After completing the course, you will be able to define social digital networks in client work and from the perspective of your professional field as well as utilise the environments and working methods of digital networks in your work. You know how to assess and promote the rehabilitee's skills and knowledge on how to work safely in different digital environments. You know how to guide the rehabilitee to operate in different digital services.


During the course, the students familiarise themselves with key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services and the networks formed by them. During the course, students familiarise themselves with cyber security and learn how data security and cyber security issues should be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee, taking ethics into account. In connection with digital services, they also learn how accessibility and usability can be assessed when considering the adoption of the solutions that best suit the rehabilitee's needs and user experiences.

During the course, you learn about peer platforms operating in digital environments and examine the role of professionals in guiding rehabilitees towards peer work in online environments. During the course, students familiarise themselves with digital exclusion as a phenomenon and identify methods for preventing digital exclusion. You will examine the factors that affect the client's possibilities and prerequisites to participate in digitally implemented service or guidance situations.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student recognises societal digitalisation and digital services and operating environments as part of their own professional activities. They can name and analyse key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services sector and the networks formed by them.

The student is familiar with cyber security as a concept and can name key factors that endanger cyber security in the rehabilitation and social services sector. They can also explain cyber and information security issues that must be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee. They recognise ethical questions related to digital guidance and are able to consider these in client work.

The student can explain the concepts of accessibility and Design for all. The student knows how legislation governs the realisation of accessibility in public and private health care and social services. They can analyse and assess the accessibility and usability of solutions and services offered to clients and make proposals for client-oriented service solutions.

The student can describe and analyse professional digital social networks and services offering digital peer support. They recognise the professional's role in guiding the rehabilitee towards peer work in an online environment and have methods for guiding clients in digital networks. The student understands the phenomenon of digital exclusion and recognises ways to prevent it. The student can consider and promote clients' opportunities and prerequisites for participating in digitally implemented guidance or rehabilitation services.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


28.10.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Jonna Salmijärvi
  • Liisa Mattila
Teacher in charge

Liisa Mattila

  • ZJA24SS
    Avoin AMK, sote
  • SKO22SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)


Description of the course:
As a result of digitalisation, the operating environments of rehabilitation have changed and will change in the coming years. This change challenges both rehabilitation professionals and rehabilitees on how to act safely and appropriately in different digital environments and communities.

After completing the course, you will be able to define social digital networks in client work and from the perspective of your professional field as well as utilise the environments and working methods of digital networks in your work. You know how to assess and promote the rehabilitee's skills and knowledge on how to work safely in different digital environments. You know how to guide the rehabilitee to operate in different digital services.


During the course, the students familiarise themselves with key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services and the networks formed by them. During the course, students familiarise themselves with cyber security and learn how data security and cyber security issues should be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee, taking ethics into account. In connection with digital services, they also learn how accessibility and usability can be assessed when considering the adoption of the solutions that best suit the rehabilitee's needs and user experiences.

During the course, you learn about peer platforms operating in digital environments and examine the role of professionals in guiding rehabilitees towards peer work in online environments. During the course, students familiarise themselves with digital exclusion as a phenomenon and identify methods for preventing digital exclusion. You will examine the factors that affect the client's possibilities and prerequisites to participate in digitally implemented service or guidance situations.

Time and location

Webinaarit verkossa Zoom sovellusta käyttäen.
Yhden webinaarin osalta on mahdollisuus osallistua joko lähiopetukseen Jamk RehaLabissa osoitteessa Piippukatu 2, Jyväskylä , D404 tai Zoom verkkoyhteydellä.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Oppimateriaalina on ajankohtainen Digitaalista ohjaustyötä kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialalla käsittelevä kirjallisuus ja ohjeistukset. Linkit materiaalieihin ovat saatavilla opintojakson Moodle oppimisympäristössä.

Digihuijausten tunnistaminen ja niiltä suojautuminen. Opas sote- alan ammattilaisille. Jamk CyberDi hankkeessa tuotettu materiaali. N.d.

Sihvo, P & Koski, A.2020. Eettinen toimintamalli. Osaamista tulevaisuuden koulutukseen ja sote-alan työhön. Karelia- ammattikorkeakoulu.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WGAG) 2.1. N.d.

Digituen eettinen ohjeistus. Digi- ja väestötietovirasto. https://dvv/digituen-eettinen-ohjeistus. N.d.
Verkkovuorovaikutusosaaminen. Sotepeda- oppimateriaalit.

Teaching methods

Opintojaksolla osallistut webinaareihin aktiivisena oppijana. Webinaareihin tulet valmistautuneena kunkin webinaarikerran teemaan liittyvän tehtävän annon mukaisesti.

Webinaarit sisältävät lyhyitä alustuksia, keskustelua ja ryhmätyötä, jonka avulla laajennat ja syvennät aiheen osaamistasi.

RehaLab kerralle voit osallistua joko läsnäollen tai verkon välityksellä. Läsnä ollen osallistuessasi pääset itse kokeilemaan digitaalisia kuntoutuksen ja ohjauksen välineitä.

Sovellat ja syvennät opintojaksolla oppimiasi asioita laatimalla ryhmätehtävänä digitaalisen ohjaustilanteen suunnitelman ja toteuttamalla ohjaustilanteen.

Opintojakson alussa asetat itsellesi oppimistavoitteet. Opintojakson aikana kirjoitat oppimispäiväkirjaa ja laadit siitä tiivistelmän opintojakson päätteeksi. Tiivistelmän avulla tunnistat, miten hyvin olet päässyt tavoitteisiisi ja saavuttanut opintojaksolle asetetut tavoitteet.

Practical training and working life connections

Digitaalisen ohjaustilanteen voi toteuttaa omassa asiakastilanteessa, vaihtoehtona toteutuksen viimeiselle webinaarille.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Kaikki valmistautumis- ja oppimistehtävät tulee palauttaa viimeistään opintojakson päätymisen ajankohtaan mennessä.

Alternative completion methods

Harjoitustehtävään kuuluvan ohjaustilanteen voit toteuttaa omassa asiakastilanteessa, vaihtoehtona toteutuksen viimeiselle webinaarille.

Digitaalisen ohajustyön ja kuntoutuksen menetelmiin tutustumiselle Jamk RehaLabissa on vaihtoehtona itsenäinen tehtävä.

Student workload

Opintojakson laajuus on 5 opintopistettä, joka tarkoittaa noin 135 tuntia opiskelijan työtä.
Työmäärän ajatellaan jakaantuvan seuraavasti:

Opintojakso sisältää aikaan sidottuja webinaareja 14 tuntia.
Jamk Rehalabiin tarjotaan mahdollisuus tutustumiseen etänä tai paikan päällä noin 2 tunnin ajan.

Varaa aikaa Itsenäiseen materiaaliin perehtymiseen ja valmistautumistehtäviin noin 50 tuntia.
Oppimispäiväkirjan ja tiivistelmän laatimiseen on käytettävissä aikaa noin 20 tuntia.
Oppimis- ja harjoitustehtävien tekemiseen ja vertaisarviointiin on käytettävissä noin 50 tuntia.

Further information for students

Opintojakson hyväksytty suorittaminen edellyttää aktiivista osallistumista ja läsnäoloa webinaareissa. Aiheeseen perehtyminen ja osaaminen on mahdollista osoittaa korvaavalla tehtävällä enintään RehaLab kerran ja kahden muun webinaarin osalta.

Opintojakson aikana reflektoit omaa oppimistasi oppimispäiväkirjan avulla. Opintojakson päätteeksi laadit päiväkirjastasi tiivistelmän jossa osoitat saavuttaneesi opintojakson tavoitteet. Oppimispäiväkirjan tiivistelmä huomioidaan arviointipäätöksessä.

Harjoitustehtävä arvioidaan erillisten arviointikriteerien mukaisesti asteikolla hyväksytty-hylätty.

Avoin AMK: 10 paikkaa

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

The student recognises societal digitalisation and digital services and operating environments as part of their own professional activities. They can name and analyse key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services sector and the networks formed by them.

The student is familiar with cyber security as a concept and can name key factors that endanger cyber security in the rehabilitation and social services sector. They can also explain cyber and information security issues that must be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee. They recognise ethical questions related to digital guidance and are able to consider these in client work.

The student can explain the concepts of accessibility and Design for all. The student knows how legislation governs the realisation of accessibility in public and private health care and social services. They can analyse and assess the accessibility and usability of solutions and services offered to clients and make proposals for client-oriented service solutions.

The student can describe and analyse professional digital social networks and services offering digital peer support. They recognise the professional's role in guiding the rehabilitee towards peer work in an online environment and have methods for guiding clients in digital networks. The student understands the phenomenon of digital exclusion and recognises ways to prevent it. The student can consider and promote clients' opportunities and prerequisites for participating in digitally implemented guidance or rehabilitation services.


01.04.2024 - 30.04.2024


21.05.2024 - 31.07.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Liisa Mattila
  • Tanja Hilli-Harju
Teacher in charge

Liisa Mattila

  • SKO22SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
  • SKO21SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)


Description of the course:
As a result of digitalisation, the operating environments of rehabilitation have changed and will change in the coming years. This change challenges both rehabilitation professionals and rehabilitees on how to act safely and appropriately in different digital environments and communities.

After completing the course, you will be able to define social digital networks in client work and from the perspective of your professional field as well as utilise the environments and working methods of digital networks in your work. You know how to assess and promote the rehabilitee's skills and knowledge on how to work safely in different digital environments. You know how to guide the rehabilitee to operate in different digital services.


During the course, the students familiarise themselves with key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services and the networks formed by them. During the course, students familiarise themselves with cyber security and learn how data security and cyber security issues should be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee, taking ethics into account. In connection with digital services, they also learn how accessibility and usability can be assessed when considering the adoption of the solutions that best suit the rehabilitee's needs and user experiences.

During the course, you learn about peer platforms operating in digital environments and examine the role of professionals in guiding rehabilitees towards peer work in online environments. During the course, students familiarise themselves with digital exclusion as a phenomenon and identify methods for preventing digital exclusion. You will examine the factors that affect the client's possibilities and prerequisites to participate in digitally implemented service or guidance situations.

Time and location

Webinaarit Zoom sovelluksen kautta.
Yhden webinaarin osalta on mahdollisuus osallistua lähiopetukseen Jamk RehaLabissa osoitteessa Piippukatu 2, Jyväskylä. Tällä kerralla osallistuminen on mahdollista myös Zoom sovelluksen kautta.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Oppimateriaalina on ajankohtainen Digitaalista ohjaustyötä kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialalla käsittelevä kirjallisuus.

Materiaalit ovat saatavilla opintojakson Moodle oppimisympäristössä.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso toteutuu verkko-opiskeluna, joka sisältää ryhmän yhteisiä webinaareja, itsenäistä ja ryhmän yhteisten oppimis- ja harjoitustehtävien työstämistä sekä verkkomateriaaleihin tutustumista.

Yhdellä kerralla on mahdollisuus osallistua opetukseen joko paikan päällä Jamk Dynamolla osoitteessa Piippukatu 2, Jyväskylä TAI verkon välityksellä.

Opintojakson suoritus muodostuu webinaareihin osallistumisesta, itsenäisten oppimistehtävien tekemisestä sekä vertaisarvioitavien harjoitustehtävien suorittamisesta.

Practical training and working life connections

Harjoitustehtävään sisältyvän ohjaustilanteen toteuttaminen työssä.

Alternative completion methods

Harjoitustehtävään kuuluvan ohjaustilanteen voi toteuttaa omassa asiakastilanteessa, vaihtoehtona toteutuksen viimeiselle webinaarille.

Digitaalisen ohjaustyön ja kuntoutuksen menetelmiin tutustumiselle Jamk RehaLabissa / webinaarissa on vaihtoehtona itsenäinen tehtävä.

Student workload

Opintojakson laajuus on 5 opintopistettä, joka tarkoittaa noin 135 tuntia opiskelijan työtä.

Työmäärän ajatellaan jakaantuvan seuraavasti:

Opintojakso sisältää aikaan sidottuja webinaareja 14 tuntia.
Jamk Rehalabiin tarjotaan mahdollisuus tutustumiseen myös paikan päällä noin 1 tunnin ajan.
Varaa aikaa Itsenäiseen materiaaliin perehtymiseen ja valmistautumistehtäviin noin 50 tuntia.
Oppimispäiväkirjan ja tiivistelmän laatimiseen on käytettävissä aikaa noin 20 tuntia.
Oppimis- ja harjoitustehtävien tekemiseen ja vertaisarviointiin on käytettävissä noin 50 tuntia.

Further information for students

Opintojakson hyväksytty suorittaminen edellyttää aktiivista osallistumista ja läsnäoloa webinaareissa. Aiheeseen perehtyminen ja osaaminen on mahdollista osoittaa korvaavalla tehtävällä enintään kahden opetuskerran osalta.

Opintojakson aikana reflektoit omaa oppimistasi oppimispäiväkirjan avulla. Opintojakson päätteeksi laadit päiväkirjastasi tiivistelmän ja arvioit, miten hyvin olet saavuttanut opintojakson tavoitteet. Oppimispäiväkirjan tiivistelmä huomioidaan arviointipäätöksessä.

Harjoitustehtävä ja vertaisarviointi arvioidaan erillisten arviointikriteerien mukaisesti asteikolla hyväksytty-hylätty.

Avoin amk: 5 paikkaa
Campusonline: 5 paikkaa

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

The student recognises societal digitalisation and digital services and operating environments as part of their own professional activities. They can name and analyse key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services sector and the networks formed by them.

The student is familiar with cyber security as a concept and can name key factors that endanger cyber security in the rehabilitation and social services sector. They can also explain cyber and information security issues that must be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee. They recognise ethical questions related to digital guidance and are able to consider these in client work.

The student can explain the concepts of accessibility and Design for all. The student knows how legislation governs the realisation of accessibility in public and private health care and social services. They can analyse and assess the accessibility and usability of solutions and services offered to clients and make proposals for client-oriented service solutions.

The student can describe and analyse professional digital social networks and services offering digital peer support. They recognise the professional's role in guiding the rehabilitee towards peer work in an online environment and have methods for guiding clients in digital networks. The student understands the phenomenon of digital exclusion and recognises ways to prevent it. The student can consider and promote clients' opportunities and prerequisites for participating in digitally implemented guidance or rehabilitation services.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 10.03.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Jaana Ritsilä
  • Liisa Mattila
  • Tanja Hilli-Harju
Teacher in charge

Liisa Mattila


Description of the course:
As a result of digitalisation, the operating environments of rehabilitation have changed and will change in the coming years. This change challenges both rehabilitation professionals and rehabilitees on how to act safely and appropriately in different digital environments and communities.

After completing the course, you will be able to define social digital networks in client work and from the perspective of your professional field as well as utilise the environments and working methods of digital networks in your work. You know how to assess and promote the rehabilitee's skills and knowledge on how to work safely in different digital environments. You know how to guide the rehabilitee to operate in different digital services.


During the course, the students familiarise themselves with key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services and the networks formed by them. During the course, students familiarise themselves with cyber security and learn how data security and cyber security issues should be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee, taking ethics into account. In connection with digital services, they also learn how accessibility and usability can be assessed when considering the adoption of the solutions that best suit the rehabilitee's needs and user experiences.

During the course, you learn about peer platforms operating in digital environments and examine the role of professionals in guiding rehabilitees towards peer work in online environments. During the course, students familiarise themselves with digital exclusion as a phenomenon and identify methods for preventing digital exclusion. You will examine the factors that affect the client's possibilities and prerequisites to participate in digitally implemented service or guidance situations.

Time and location

Webinaarit Zoom sovellusta käyttäen.
Yhden webinaarin osalta on mahdollisuus osallistua lähiopetukseen Jamk RehaLabissa osoitteessa Piippukatu 2, Jyväskylä.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Oppimateriaalina on ajankohtainen Digitaalista ohjaustyötä kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialalla käsittelevä kirjallisuus.

Materiaalit ovat saatavilla opintojakson Moodle oppimisympäristössä.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso toteutuu verkko-opiskeluna, joka sisältää ryhmän yhteisiä webinaareja, itsenäistä ja ryhmän yhteisten oppimis- ja harjoitustehtävien työstämistä sekä verkkomateriaaleihin tutustumista.

Opintojakson suoritus muodostuu webinaareihin osallistumisesta, itsenäisten oppimistehtävien tekemisestä sekä vertaisarvioitavan harjoitustehtävän suorittamisesta.

Practical training and working life connections

Harjoitustehtävään kuuluvan ohjaustilanteen voi toteuttaa omassa asiakastilanteessa, vaihtoehtona toteutuksen viimeiselle webinaarille.

Digitaalisen ohajustyön ja kuntoutuksen menetelmiin tutustumiselle Jamk RehaLabissa on vaihtoehtona itsenäinen tehtävä.

Alternative completion methods

Harjoitustehtävään kuuluvan ohjaustilanteen voi toteuttaa omassa asiakastilanteessa, vaihtoehtona toteutuksen viimeiselle webinaarille.

Digitaalisen ohajustyön ja kuntoutuksen menetelmiin tutustumiselle Jamk RehaLabissa on vaihtoehtona itsenäinen tehtävä.

Student workload

Opintojakson laajuus on 5 opintopistettä, joka tarkoittaa noin 135 tuntia opiskelijan työtä.
Työmäärän ajatellaan jakaantuvan seuraavasti:

Opintojakso sisältää aikaan sidottuja webinaareja 14 tuntia.
Jamk Rehalabiin tarjotaan mahdollisuus tutustumiseen etänä tai paikan päällä noin 2 tunnin ajan.

Varaa aikaa Itsenäiseen materiaaliin perehtymiseen ja valmistautumistehtäviin noin 50 tuntia.
Oppimispäiväkirjan ja tiivistelmän laatimiseen on käytettävissä aikaa noin 20 tuntia.
Oppimis- ja harjoitustehtävien tekemiseen ja vertaisarviointiin on käytettävissä noin 50 tuntia.

Further information for students

Opintojakson hyväksytty suorittaminen edellyttää aktiivista osallistumista ja läsnäoloa webinaareissa. Aiheeseen perehtyminen ja osaaminen on mahdollista osoittaa korvaavalla tehtävällä enintään RehaLab kerran ja kahden muun webinaarin osalta.

Opintojakson aikana reflektoit omaa oppimistasi oppimispäiväkirjan avulla. Opintojakson päätteeksi laadit päiväkirjastasi tiivistelmän ja arvioit, miten hyvin olet saavuttanut opintojakson tavoitteet. Oppimispäiväkirjan tiivistelmä huomioidaan arviointipäätöksessä.

Harjoitustehtävä ja vertaisarviointi arvioidaan erillisten arviointikriteerien mukaisesti asteikolla hyväksytty-hylätty.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

The student recognises societal digitalisation and digital services and operating environments as part of their own professional activities. They can name and analyse key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services sector and the networks formed by them.

The student is familiar with cyber security as a concept and can name key factors that endanger cyber security in the rehabilitation and social services sector. They can also explain cyber and information security issues that must be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee. They recognise ethical questions related to digital guidance and are able to consider these in client work.

The student can explain the concepts of accessibility and Design for all. The student knows how legislation governs the realisation of accessibility in public and private health care and social services. They can analyse and assess the accessibility and usability of solutions and services offered to clients and make proposals for client-oriented service solutions.

The student can describe and analyse professional digital social networks and services offering digital peer support. They recognise the professional's role in guiding the rehabilitee towards peer work in an online environment and have methods for guiding clients in digital networks. The student understands the phenomenon of digital exclusion and recognises ways to prevent it. The student can consider and promote clients' opportunities and prerequisites for participating in digitally implemented guidance or rehabilitation services.


08.01.2024 - 17.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sonja Salonen
Teacher in charge

Sonja Salonen

  • ZJA23SSA
    Avoin AMK, sote, YTOL-opinnot, Alkio-opisto


Description of the course:
As a result of digitalisation, the operating environments of rehabilitation have changed and will change in the coming years. This change challenges both rehabilitation professionals and rehabilitees on how to act safely and appropriately in different digital environments and communities.

After completing the course, you will be able to define social digital networks in client work and from the perspective of your professional field as well as utilise the environments and working methods of digital networks in your work. You know how to assess and promote the rehabilitee's skills and knowledge on how to work safely in different digital environments. You know how to guide the rehabilitee to operate in different digital services.


During the course, the students familiarise themselves with key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services and the networks formed by them. During the course, students familiarise themselves with cyber security and learn how data security and cyber security issues should be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee, taking ethics into account. In connection with digital services, they also learn how accessibility and usability can be assessed when considering the adoption of the solutions that best suit the rehabilitee's needs and user experiences.

During the course, you learn about peer platforms operating in digital environments and examine the role of professionals in guiding rehabilitees towards peer work in online environments. During the course, students familiarise themselves with digital exclusion as a phenomenon and identify methods for preventing digital exclusion. You will examine the factors that affect the client's possibilities and prerequisites to participate in digitally implemented service or guidance situations.

Further information for students

Erillistoteutus avoimen AMK:n / Alkio-opiston opiskelijoille.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

The student recognises societal digitalisation and digital services and operating environments as part of their own professional activities. They can name and analyse key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services sector and the networks formed by them.

The student is familiar with cyber security as a concept and can name key factors that endanger cyber security in the rehabilitation and social services sector. They can also explain cyber and information security issues that must be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee. They recognise ethical questions related to digital guidance and are able to consider these in client work.

The student can explain the concepts of accessibility and Design for all. The student knows how legislation governs the realisation of accessibility in public and private health care and social services. They can analyse and assess the accessibility and usability of solutions and services offered to clients and make proposals for client-oriented service solutions.

The student can describe and analyse professional digital social networks and services offering digital peer support. They recognise the professional's role in guiding the rehabilitee towards peer work in an online environment and have methods for guiding clients in digital networks. The student understands the phenomenon of digital exclusion and recognises ways to prevent it. The student can consider and promote clients' opportunities and prerequisites for participating in digitally implemented guidance or rehabilitation services.


01.08.2023 - 30.09.2023


30.10.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sanna Harjula
  • Liisa Mattila
  • Minna Eriksen
Teacher in charge

Liisa Mattila

  • SKO22SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)


Description of the course:
As a result of digitalisation, the operating environments of rehabilitation have changed and will change in the coming years. This change challenges both rehabilitation professionals and rehabilitees on how to act safely and appropriately in different digital environments and communities.

After completing the course, you will be able to define social digital networks in client work and from the perspective of your professional field as well as utilise the environments and working methods of digital networks in your work. You know how to assess and promote the rehabilitee's skills and knowledge on how to work safely in different digital environments. You know how to guide the rehabilitee to operate in different digital services.


During the course, the students familiarise themselves with key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services and the networks formed by them. During the course, students familiarise themselves with cyber security and learn how data security and cyber security issues should be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee, taking ethics into account. In connection with digital services, they also learn how accessibility and usability can be assessed when considering the adoption of the solutions that best suit the rehabilitee's needs and user experiences.

During the course, you learn about peer platforms operating in digital environments and examine the role of professionals in guiding rehabilitees towards peer work in online environments. During the course, students familiarise themselves with digital exclusion as a phenomenon and identify methods for preventing digital exclusion. You will examine the factors that affect the client's possibilities and prerequisites to participate in digitally implemented service or guidance situations.

Time and location

Webinaarit Zoom sovellusta käyttäen.
Yksi webinaarin osalta on mahdollisuus osallistua lähiopetukseen Jamk RehaLab issa osoitteessa Piippukatu 2, Jyväskylä.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Oppimateriaalina on ajankohtainen Digitaalista ohjaustyötä kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialalla käsittelevä kirjallisuus.

Materiaalit ovat saatavilla opintojakson Moodle oppimisympäristössä.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso toteutuu verkko-opiskeluna, joka sisältää ryhmän yhteisiä webinaareja, itsenäistä ja ryhmän yhteisten oppimis- ja harjoitustehtävien työstämistä sekä verkkomateriaaleihin tutustumista.

Opintojakson suoritus muodostuu webinaareihin osallistumisesta, itsenäisten oppimistehtävien tekemisestä sekä vertaisarvioitavien harjoitustehtävien suorittamisesta.

Practical training and working life connections

Hajroitustehtävään kuuluva ohjaustilanne on mahdollista toteuttaa osana työtä.

Alternative completion methods

Harjoitustehtävään kuuluvan ohjaustilanteen voi toteuttaa omassa asiakastilanteessa, vaihtoehtona toteutuksen viimeiselle webinaarille.

Digitaalisen ohajustyön ja kuntoutuksen menetelmiin tutustumiselle Jamk RehaLabissa on vaihtoehtona itsenäinen tehtävä.

Student workload

Opintojakson laajuus on 5 opintopistettä, joka tarkoittaa noin 135 tuntia opiskelijan työtä.
Työmäärän ajatellaan jakaantuvan seuraavasti:

Opintojakso sisältää aikaan sidottuja webinaareja 14 tuntia.
Jamk Rehalabiin tarjotaan mahdollisuus tutustumiseen myös paikan päällä noin 2 tunnin ajan.
Varaa aikaa Itsenäiseen materiaaliin perehtymiseen ja valmistautumistehtäviin noin 50 tuntia.
Oppimispäiväkirjan ja tiivistelmän laatimiseen on käytettävissä aikaa noin 20 tuntia.
Oppimis- ja harjoitustehtävien tekemiseen ja vertaisarviointiin on käytettävissä noin 50 tuntia.

Further information for students

Opintojakson hyväksytty suorittaminen edellyttää aktiivista osallistumista ja läsnäoloa webinaareissa. Aiheeseen perehtyminen ja osaaminen on mahdollista osoittaa korvaavalla tehtävällä enintään RehaLab kerran ja kahden muun webinaarin osalta.

Opintojakson aikana reflektoit omaa oppimistasi oppimispäiväkirjan avulla. Opintojakson päätteeksi laadit päiväkirjastasi tiivistelmän ja arvioit, miten hyvin olet saavuttanut opintojakson tavoitteet. Oppimispäiväkirjan tiivistelmä huomioidaan arviointipäätöksessä.

Harjoitustehtävä ja vertaisarviointi arvioidaan erillisten arviointikriteerien mukaisesti asteikolla hyväksytty-hylätty.

Avoin amk: 5 paikkaa
Campusonline: 5 paikkaa

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

The student recognises societal digitalisation and digital services and operating environments as part of their own professional activities. They can name and analyse key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services sector and the networks formed by them.

The student is familiar with cyber security as a concept and can name key factors that endanger cyber security in the rehabilitation and social services sector. They can also explain cyber and information security issues that must be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee. They recognise ethical questions related to digital guidance and are able to consider these in client work.

The student can explain the concepts of accessibility and Design for all. The student knows how legislation governs the realisation of accessibility in public and private health care and social services. They can analyse and assess the accessibility and usability of solutions and services offered to clients and make proposals for client-oriented service solutions.

The student can describe and analyse professional digital social networks and services offering digital peer support. They recognise the professional's role in guiding the rehabilitee towards peer work in an online environment and have methods for guiding clients in digital networks. The student understands the phenomenon of digital exclusion and recognises ways to prevent it. The student can consider and promote clients' opportunities and prerequisites for participating in digitally implemented guidance or rehabilitation services.


01.04.2023 - 30.04.2023


22.05.2023 - 31.07.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 15

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Liisa Mattila
  • SFT21S1
    Fysioterapeutti (AMK)
  • SOS21SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • STT21S1
    Toimintaterapeutti (AMK)
  • SFT21SM
    Fysioterapeutin tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
  • STT21SM
    Toimintaterapeutti (AMK)
  • SKO21SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)


Description of the course:
As a result of digitalisation, the operating environments of rehabilitation have changed and will change in the coming years. This change challenges both rehabilitation professionals and rehabilitees on how to act safely and appropriately in different digital environments and communities.

After completing the course, you will be able to define social digital networks in client work and from the perspective of your professional field as well as utilise the environments and working methods of digital networks in your work. You know how to assess and promote the rehabilitee's skills and knowledge on how to work safely in different digital environments. You know how to guide the rehabilitee to operate in different digital services.


During the course, the students familiarise themselves with key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services and the networks formed by them. During the course, students familiarise themselves with cyber security and learn how data security and cyber security issues should be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee, taking ethics into account. In connection with digital services, they also learn how accessibility and usability can be assessed when considering the adoption of the solutions that best suit the rehabilitee's needs and user experiences.

During the course, you learn about peer platforms operating in digital environments and examine the role of professionals in guiding rehabilitees towards peer work in online environments. During the course, students familiarise themselves with digital exclusion as a phenomenon and identify methods for preventing digital exclusion. You will examine the factors that affect the client's possibilities and prerequisites to participate in digitally implemented service or guidance situations.

Time and location

Oppimateriaalina on ajankohtainen Digitaalista ohjaustyötä kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialalla käsittelevä kirjallisuus. Materiaalit ovat saatavilla opintojakson Moodle oppimisympäristössä.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso toteutuu verkko-opiskeluna, joka sisältää ryhmän yhteisiä webinaareja, itsenäistä ja ryhmän yhteisten oppimis- ja harjoitustehtävien työstämistä sekä verkkomateriaaleihin tutustumista.

Opintojakson suoritus muodostuu webinaareihin osallistumisesta, itsenäisten oppimistehtävien tekemisestä sekä vertaisarvioitavien harjoitustehtävien suorittamisesta.

Alternative completion methods

Harjoitustehtävään kuuluvan ohjaustilanteen voi toteuttaa omassa asiakastilanteessa, vaihtoehtona toteutuksen viimeiselle webinaarille.
Digitaalisen ohjaustyön ja kuntoutuksen menetelmiin tutustumiselle Jamk RehaLab:ssa vaihtoehtona on itsenäinen tehtävä.

Student workload

Opintojakson laajuus on 5 opintopistettä, joka tarkoittaa noin 135 tuntia opiskelijan työtä.
Työmäärän ajatellaan jakaantuvan seuraavasti:

Opintojakso sisältää aikaan sidottuja webinaareja 14 tuntia.
Jamk Rehalabiin tarjotaan mahdollisuus tutustumiseen myös paikan päällä noin 1 tunnin ajan.
Varaa aikaa Itsenäiseen materiaaliin perehtymiseen ja valmistautumistehtäviin noin 50 tuntia.
Oppimispäiväkirjan ja tiivistelmän laatimiseen on käytettävissä aikaa noin 20 tuntia.
Oppimis- ja harjoitustehtävien tekemiseen ja vertaisarviointiin on käytettävissä noin 50 tuntia.

Further information for students

CampusOnline opiskelijoille 15 paikkaa
Avoin AMK 5 paikkaa

Opintojakson hyväksytty suorittaminen edellyttää aktiivista osallistumista ja läsnäoloa webinaareissa. Aiheeseen perehtyminen ja osaaminen on mahdollista osoittaa korvaavalla tehtävällä enintään RehaLab kerran ja kahden muun webinaarin osalta.

Opintojakson aikana reflektoit omaa oppimistasi oppimispäiväkirjan avulla. Opintojakson päätteeksi laadit päiväkirjastasi tiivistelmän ja arvioit, miten hyvin olet saavuttanut opintojakson tavoitteet. Oppimispäiväkirjan tiivistelmä huomioidaan arviointipäätöksessä.

Harjoitustehtävä ja vertaisarviointi arvioidaan erillisten arviointikriteerien mukaisesti asteikolla hyväksytty-hylätty.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

The student recognises societal digitalisation and digital services and operating environments as part of their own professional activities. They can name and analyse key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services sector and the networks formed by them.

The student is familiar with cyber security as a concept and can name key factors that endanger cyber security in the rehabilitation and social services sector. They can also explain cyber and information security issues that must be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee. They recognise ethical questions related to digital guidance and are able to consider these in client work.

The student can explain the concepts of accessibility and Design for all. The student knows how legislation governs the realisation of accessibility in public and private health care and social services. They can analyse and assess the accessibility and usability of solutions and services offered to clients and make proposals for client-oriented service solutions.

The student can describe and analyse professional digital social networks and services offering digital peer support. They recognise the professional's role in guiding the rehabilitee towards peer work in an online environment and have methods for guiding clients in digital networks. The student understands the phenomenon of digital exclusion and recognises ways to prevent it. The student can consider and promote clients' opportunities and prerequisites for participating in digitally implemented guidance or rehabilitation services.


01.02.2023 - 30.04.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Jonna Salmijärvi
Teacher in charge

Jonna Salmijärvi

    Avoin amk, KKD, Hyvinvointivalmennuksen KKD


Description of the course:
As a result of digitalisation, the operating environments of rehabilitation have changed and will change in the coming years. This change challenges both rehabilitation professionals and rehabilitees on how to act safely and appropriately in different digital environments and communities.

After completing the course, you will be able to define social digital networks in client work and from the perspective of your professional field as well as utilise the environments and working methods of digital networks in your work. You know how to assess and promote the rehabilitee's skills and knowledge on how to work safely in different digital environments. You know how to guide the rehabilitee to operate in different digital services.


During the course, the students familiarise themselves with key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services and the networks formed by them. During the course, students familiarise themselves with cyber security and learn how data security and cyber security issues should be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee, taking ethics into account. In connection with digital services, they also learn how accessibility and usability can be assessed when considering the adoption of the solutions that best suit the rehabilitee's needs and user experiences.

During the course, you learn about peer platforms operating in digital environments and examine the role of professionals in guiding rehabilitees towards peer work in online environments. During the course, students familiarise themselves with digital exclusion as a phenomenon and identify methods for preventing digital exclusion. You will examine the factors that affect the client's possibilities and prerequisites to participate in digitally implemented service or guidance situations.

Further information for students

Erillistoteutus Avoimen amk:n Hyvinvointivalmennuksen kkd:n opiskelijoille

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

The student recognises societal digitalisation and digital services and operating environments as part of their own professional activities. They can name and analyse key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services sector and the networks formed by them.

The student is familiar with cyber security as a concept and can name key factors that endanger cyber security in the rehabilitation and social services sector. They can also explain cyber and information security issues that must be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee. They recognise ethical questions related to digital guidance and are able to consider these in client work.

The student can explain the concepts of accessibility and Design for all. The student knows how legislation governs the realisation of accessibility in public and private health care and social services. They can analyse and assess the accessibility and usability of solutions and services offered to clients and make proposals for client-oriented service solutions.

The student can describe and analyse professional digital social networks and services offering digital peer support. They recognise the professional's role in guiding the rehabilitee towards peer work in an online environment and have methods for guiding clients in digital networks. The student understands the phenomenon of digital exclusion and recognises ways to prevent it. The student can consider and promote clients' opportunities and prerequisites for participating in digitally implemented guidance or rehabilitation services.


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sonja Salonen
Teacher in charge

Sonja Salonen

  • ZJA22SSA
    Avoin AMK, sote, YTOL-opinnot, Alkio-opisto


Description of the course:
As a result of digitalisation, the operating environments of rehabilitation have changed and will change in the coming years. This change challenges both rehabilitation professionals and rehabilitees on how to act safely and appropriately in different digital environments and communities.

After completing the course, you will be able to define social digital networks in client work and from the perspective of your professional field as well as utilise the environments and working methods of digital networks in your work. You know how to assess and promote the rehabilitee's skills and knowledge on how to work safely in different digital environments. You know how to guide the rehabilitee to operate in different digital services.


During the course, the students familiarise themselves with key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services and the networks formed by them. During the course, students familiarise themselves with cyber security and learn how data security and cyber security issues should be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee, taking ethics into account. In connection with digital services, they also learn how accessibility and usability can be assessed when considering the adoption of the solutions that best suit the rehabilitee's needs and user experiences.

During the course, you learn about peer platforms operating in digital environments and examine the role of professionals in guiding rehabilitees towards peer work in online environments. During the course, students familiarise themselves with digital exclusion as a phenomenon and identify methods for preventing digital exclusion. You will examine the factors that affect the client's possibilities and prerequisites to participate in digitally implemented service or guidance situations.

Further information for students

Erillistoteutus avoimen AMK:n / Alkio-opiston opiskelijoille.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

The student recognises societal digitalisation and digital services and operating environments as part of their own professional activities. They can name and analyse key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services sector and the networks formed by them.

The student is familiar with cyber security as a concept and can name key factors that endanger cyber security in the rehabilitation and social services sector. They can also explain cyber and information security issues that must be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee. They recognise ethical questions related to digital guidance and are able to consider these in client work.

The student can explain the concepts of accessibility and Design for all. The student knows how legislation governs the realisation of accessibility in public and private health care and social services. They can analyse and assess the accessibility and usability of solutions and services offered to clients and make proposals for client-oriented service solutions.

The student can describe and analyse professional digital social networks and services offering digital peer support. They recognise the professional's role in guiding the rehabilitee towards peer work in an online environment and have methods for guiding clients in digital networks. The student understands the phenomenon of digital exclusion and recognises ways to prevent it. The student can consider and promote clients' opportunities and prerequisites for participating in digitally implemented guidance or rehabilitation services.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Face-to-face, 80 % Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Liisa Mattila
Teacher in charge

Kaisa Lällä

  • SKO20SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling


Description of the course:
As a result of digitalisation, the operating environments of rehabilitation have changed and will change in the coming years. This change challenges both rehabilitation professionals and rehabilitees on how to act safely and appropriately in different digital environments and communities.

After completing the course, you will be able to define social digital networks in client work and from the perspective of your professional field as well as utilise the environments and working methods of digital networks in your work. You know how to assess and promote the rehabilitee's skills and knowledge on how to work safely in different digital environments. You know how to guide the rehabilitee to operate in different digital services.


During the course, the students familiarise themselves with key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services and the networks formed by them. During the course, students familiarise themselves with cyber security and learn how data security and cyber security issues should be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee, taking ethics into account. In connection with digital services, they also learn how accessibility and usability can be assessed when considering the adoption of the solutions that best suit the rehabilitee's needs and user experiences.

During the course, you learn about peer platforms operating in digital environments and examine the role of professionals in guiding rehabilitees towards peer work in online environments. During the course, students familiarise themselves with digital exclusion as a phenomenon and identify methods for preventing digital exclusion. You will examine the factors that affect the client's possibilities and prerequisites to participate in digitally implemented service or guidance situations.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Oppimateriaalina on ajankohtainen Digitaalista ohjaustyötä kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialalla käsittelevä kirjallisuus.
Materiaalit ovat saatavilla opintojakson Moodle oppimisympäristössä.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso toteutuu verkko-opiskeluna, joka sisältää ryhmän yhteisiä webinaareja, itsenäistä ja ryhmän yhteisten oppimis- ja harjoitustehtävien työstämistä sekä verkkomateriaaleihin tutustumista.

Opintojakson suoritus muodostuu webinaareihin osallistumisesta, itsenäisten oppimistehtävien tekemisestä sekä vertaisarvioitavien harjoitustehtävien suorittamisesta.

Alternative completion methods

Harjoitustehtävään kuuluvan ohjaustilanteen voi toteuttaa omassa asiakastilanteessa, vaihtoehtona toteutuksen viimeiselle webinaarille.
Digitaalisen ohajustyön ja kuntoutuksen menetelmiin tutustumiselle Jamk RehaLabissa on vaihtoehtona itsenäinen tehtävä.

Student workload

Opintojakson laajuus on 5 opintopistettä, joka tarkoittaa noin 135 tuntia opiskelijan työtä.
Työmäärän ajatellaan jakaantuvan seuraavasti:

Opintojakso sisältää aikaan sidottuja webinaareja 14 tuntia.
Jamk Rehalabiin tarjotaan mahdollisuus tutustumiseen myös paikan päällä noin 1 tunnin ajan.
Varaa aikaa Itsenäiseen materiaaliin perehtymiseen ja valmistautumistehtäviin noin 50 tuntia.
Oppimispäiväkirjan ja tiivistelmän laatimiseen on käytettävissä aikaa noin 20 tuntia.
Oppimis- ja harjoitustehtävien tekemiseen ja vertaisarviointiin on käytettävissä noin 50 tuntia.

Further information for students

Opintojakson hyväksytty suorittaminen edellyttää aktiivista osallistumista ja läsnäoloa webinaareissa. Aiheeseen perehtyminen ja osaaminen on mahdollista osoittaa korvaavalla tehtävällä enintään RehaLab kerran ja kahden muun webinaarin osalta.

Opintojakson aikana reflektoit omaa oppimistasi oppimispäiväkirjan avulla. Opintojakson päätteeksi laadit päiväkirjastasi tiivistelmän ja arvioit, miten hyvin olet saavuttanut opintojakson tavoitteet. Oppimispäiväkirjan tiivistelmä huomioidaan arviointipäätöksessä.

Harjoitustehtävä ja vertaisarviointi arvioidaan erillisten arviointikriteerien mukaisesti asteikolla hyväksytty-hylätty.

Avoin amk 5 paikkaa, Campus online 5 paikkaa.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

The student recognises societal digitalisation and digital services and operating environments as part of their own professional activities. They can name and analyse key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services sector and the networks formed by them.

The student is familiar with cyber security as a concept and can name key factors that endanger cyber security in the rehabilitation and social services sector. They can also explain cyber and information security issues that must be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee. They recognise ethical questions related to digital guidance and are able to consider these in client work.

The student can explain the concepts of accessibility and Design for all. The student knows how legislation governs the realisation of accessibility in public and private health care and social services. They can analyse and assess the accessibility and usability of solutions and services offered to clients and make proposals for client-oriented service solutions.

The student can describe and analyse professional digital social networks and services offering digital peer support. They recognise the professional's role in guiding the rehabilitee towards peer work in an online environment and have methods for guiding clients in digital networks. The student understands the phenomenon of digital exclusion and recognises ways to prevent it. The student can consider and promote clients' opportunities and prerequisites for participating in digitally implemented guidance or rehabilitation services.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

40 % Face-to-face, 60 % Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Liisa Mattila
  • Minna Eriksen
  • SKO21SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)


Description of the course:
As a result of digitalisation, the operating environments of rehabilitation have changed and will change in the coming years. This change challenges both rehabilitation professionals and rehabilitees on how to act safely and appropriately in different digital environments and communities.

After completing the course, you will be able to define social digital networks in client work and from the perspective of your professional field as well as utilise the environments and working methods of digital networks in your work. You know how to assess and promote the rehabilitee's skills and knowledge on how to work safely in different digital environments. You know how to guide the rehabilitee to operate in different digital services.


During the course, the students familiarise themselves with key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services and the networks formed by them. During the course, students familiarise themselves with cyber security and learn how data security and cyber security issues should be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee, taking ethics into account. In connection with digital services, they also learn how accessibility and usability can be assessed when considering the adoption of the solutions that best suit the rehabilitee's needs and user experiences.

During the course, you learn about peer platforms operating in digital environments and examine the role of professionals in guiding rehabilitees towards peer work in online environments. During the course, students familiarise themselves with digital exclusion as a phenomenon and identify methods for preventing digital exclusion. You will examine the factors that affect the client's possibilities and prerequisites to participate in digitally implemented service or guidance situations.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Oppimateriaalina on ajankohtainen Digitaalista ohjaustyötä kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialalla käsittelevä kirjallisuus. Materiaalit ovat saatavilla opintojakson Moodle oppimisympäristössä.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso toteutuu verkko-opiskeluna.
Opiskelu sisältää aikaan sidottuja, ryhmän yhteisiä webinaareja.
Yhdellä kerralla on mahdollisuus tutustua digitaalisen ohjauksen ja kuntoutuksen menetelmiin myös paikan päällä Jamk RehaLabissa; vaihtoehtona tälle on webinaari tai itsenäinen tehtävä.
Opiskeluun kuuluu olennaisena osana itsenäistä ja ryhmän yhteisten oppimis- ja harjoitustehtävien työstämistä sekä verkkomateriaaleihin tutustumista.

Opintojakson suoritus muodostuu webinaareihin osallistumisesta sekä itsenäisten ja ryhmämuotoisten oppimistehtävien ja harjoitustehtävän tekemisestä.

Alternative completion methods

Harjoitustehtävään kuuluvan ohjaustilanteen voi toteuttaa omassa asiakastilanteessa, vaihtoehtona sen toteuttamiselle toteutuksen viimeisessä webinaarissa.

Jamk Kuntoutusinstituutin RehaLab tutustumisen vaihtoehtona on itsenäinen tehtävä aiheesta Digitaalisen ohjaustyön moninaisuus ja menetelmät.

Student workload

Opintojakson laajuus on 5 opintopistettä, joka tarkoittaa noin 135 tuntia opiskelijan työtä.
Työmäärän ajatellaan jakaantuvan seuraavasti:

Opintojakso sisältää aikaan sidottuja webinaareja 14 tuntia.
Jamk Rehalabiin tarjotaan mahdollisuus tutustumiseen myös paikan päällä noin 1 tunnin ajan.
Varaa aikaa Itsenäiseen materiaaliin perehtymiseen ja webinaareihin valmistautumiseen noin 50 tuntia.
Oppimispäiväkirjan ja tiivistelmän laatimiseen on käytettävissä aikaa noin 20 tuntia.
Oppimistehtävien ja harjoitustehtävän tekemiseen ja vertaisarviointiin on käytettävissä noin 50 tuntia.

Content scheduling

Webinaarit sekä oppimis- ja harjoitustehtävät sijoittuvat tasaisesti toteutuksen keston ajalle.

Further information for students

Opintojakson hyväksytty suorittaminen edellyttää aktiivista osallistumista ja läsnäoloa webinaareissa. Aiheeseen perehtyminen ja osaaminen on mahdollista osoittaa korvaavalla tehtävällä enintään kahden webinaarin osalta.
Opintojakson aikana reflektoit omaa oppimistasi oppimispäiväkirjan avulla. Opintojakson päätteeksi laadit päiväkirjastasi tiivistelmän ja arvioit, miten hyvin olet saavuttanut opintojakson tavoitteet. Oppimispäiväkirjan tiivistelmä huomiodaan arviointipäätöksessä.
Harjoitustehtävä ja vertaisarivointi arvioidaan erillisten arviointikriteerien mukaisesti asteikolla hyväksytty-hylätty.

Campus Online 5 paikkaa
Avoin AMK 5 paikkaa

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

The student recognises societal digitalisation and digital services and operating environments as part of their own professional activities. They can name and analyse key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services sector and the networks formed by them.

The student is familiar with cyber security as a concept and can name key factors that endanger cyber security in the rehabilitation and social services sector. They can also explain cyber and information security issues that must be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee. They recognise ethical questions related to digital guidance and are able to consider these in client work.

The student can explain the concepts of accessibility and Design for all. The student knows how legislation governs the realisation of accessibility in public and private health care and social services. They can analyse and assess the accessibility and usability of solutions and services offered to clients and make proposals for client-oriented service solutions.

The student can describe and analyse professional digital social networks and services offering digital peer support. They recognise the professional's role in guiding the rehabilitee towards peer work in an online environment and have methods for guiding clients in digital networks. The student understands the phenomenon of digital exclusion and recognises ways to prevent it. The student can consider and promote clients' opportunities and prerequisites for participating in digitally implemented guidance or rehabilitation services.


01.11.2021 - 30.04.2022


23.05.2022 - 31.07.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 15

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Emmi Ritvos
  • Sanna Harjula
  • Johanna Juola
  • Liisa Mattila
  • SKO20SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling


Description of the course:
As a result of digitalisation, the operating environments of rehabilitation have changed and will change in the coming years. This change challenges both rehabilitation professionals and rehabilitees on how to act safely and appropriately in different digital environments and communities.

After completing the course, you will be able to define social digital networks in client work and from the perspective of your professional field as well as utilise the environments and working methods of digital networks in your work. You know how to assess and promote the rehabilitee's skills and knowledge on how to work safely in different digital environments. You know how to guide the rehabilitee to operate in different digital services.


During the course, the students familiarise themselves with key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services and the networks formed by them. During the course, students familiarise themselves with cyber security and learn how data security and cyber security issues should be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee, taking ethics into account. In connection with digital services, they also learn how accessibility and usability can be assessed when considering the adoption of the solutions that best suit the rehabilitee's needs and user experiences.

During the course, you learn about peer platforms operating in digital environments and examine the role of professionals in guiding rehabilitees towards peer work in online environments. During the course, students familiarise themselves with digital exclusion as a phenomenon and identify methods for preventing digital exclusion. You will examine the factors that affect the client's possibilities and prerequisites to participate in digitally implemented service or guidance situations.

Time and location

Opintojakson webinaarit toteutetaan aikataulun mukaisesti. Yhden webinaarin osalta järjestetään mahdollisuus tutustua Digitaalisen ohjaustyön välineistöön Jamk kampuksella.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Oppimateriaalina on ajankohtainen Digitaalista ohjaustyötä kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialalla käsittelevä kirjallisuus. Materiaalit ovat saatavilla opintojakson Moodle oppimisympäristössä.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso toteutuu verkko-opiskeluna, joka sisältää ryhmän yhteisiä webinaareja, itsenäistä ja ryhmän yhteisten oppimis- ja harjoitustehtävien työstämistä sekä verkkomateriaaleihin tutustumista.

Opintojakson suoritus muodostuu webinaareihin osallistumisesta, itsenäisten oppimistehtävien tekemisestä sekä vertaisarvioitavien harjoitustehtävien suorittamisesta.

Alternative completion methods

Ohjaustilanteen voi toteuttaa omassa asiakastilanteessa, vaihtoehtona webinaarille.

Student workload

Opintojakso sisältää:

- aikaan sidottuja webinaareja ja yhdessä oppimista 15 tuntia
- itsenäistä materiaaleihin perehtymistä 30 tuntia
- verkkokurssin oppimistehtävien tekemistä 40
- harjoitustehtävien tekeminen ja vertaisarviointi 50 tuntia

Further information for students

Opintojakson suoritukset arvioidaan seuraavasti:
- kontaktiopetus ja yhdessä oppiminen osallistumiskertojen perusteella, 80% läsnäolo edellytetään.
- itsenäinen materiaaleihin perehtyminen toteutuu opiskelijan itsearviointina.
- harjoitustehtävät arvioidaan erillisten arviointikriteerien mukaisesti hyväksytty-hylätty ja vertaispalaute hyväksytty - hylätty.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

The student recognises societal digitalisation and digital services and operating environments as part of their own professional activities. They can name and analyse key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services sector and the networks formed by them.

The student is familiar with cyber security as a concept and can name key factors that endanger cyber security in the rehabilitation and social services sector. They can also explain cyber and information security issues that must be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee. They recognise ethical questions related to digital guidance and are able to consider these in client work.

The student can explain the concepts of accessibility and Design for all. The student knows how legislation governs the realisation of accessibility in public and private health care and social services. They can analyse and assess the accessibility and usability of solutions and services offered to clients and make proposals for client-oriented service solutions.

The student can describe and analyse professional digital social networks and services offering digital peer support. They recognise the professional's role in guiding the rehabilitee towards peer work in an online environment and have methods for guiding clients in digital networks. The student understands the phenomenon of digital exclusion and recognises ways to prevent it. The student can consider and promote clients' opportunities and prerequisites for participating in digitally implemented guidance or rehabilitation services.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Emmi Ritvos
  • Liisa Mattila
  • ZJA21SSA
    Avoin AMK, sote, YTOL-opinnot, Alkio-opisto
  • SKO20SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling


Description of the course:
As a result of digitalisation, the operating environments of rehabilitation have changed and will change in the coming years. This change challenges both rehabilitation professionals and rehabilitees on how to act safely and appropriately in different digital environments and communities.

After completing the course, you will be able to define social digital networks in client work and from the perspective of your professional field as well as utilise the environments and working methods of digital networks in your work. You know how to assess and promote the rehabilitee's skills and knowledge on how to work safely in different digital environments. You know how to guide the rehabilitee to operate in different digital services.


During the course, the students familiarise themselves with key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services and the networks formed by them. During the course, students familiarise themselves with cyber security and learn how data security and cyber security issues should be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee, taking ethics into account. In connection with digital services, they also learn how accessibility and usability can be assessed when considering the adoption of the solutions that best suit the rehabilitee's needs and user experiences.

During the course, you learn about peer platforms operating in digital environments and examine the role of professionals in guiding rehabilitees towards peer work in online environments. During the course, students familiarise themselves with digital exclusion as a phenomenon and identify methods for preventing digital exclusion. You will examine the factors that affect the client's possibilities and prerequisites to participate in digitally implemented service or guidance situations.

Time and location

Opintojakso toteutetaan pääasiassa aikatulun mukaisina webinaareina. Yhden webinaarin osalta järjestetään mahdollisuus digitaalisiin ohjasutyön välineisiin tutustumiseen Jamk kampuksella.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Opintojakson materiaalit annetaan opintojakson aikana Moodle oppimisympäristössä.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso toteutuu pääosin verkko-opiskeluna, joka sisältää ryhmän yhteisiä, vuorovaikutteisia webinaareja, itsenäistä oppimistehtävien työstämistä sekä verkkomateriaaleihin tutustumista.
Opintojakson suoritus muodostuu webinaareihin osallistumisesta, itsenäisten oppimistehtävien tekemisestä sekä vertaisarvioitavan harjoitustyön suorittamisesta.

Alternative completion methods

Ohjaustilanteen toteutuksen voi suorittaa myös aidossa asiakastilanteessa, webinaarin sijasta.

Student workload

Opintojakso sisältää:

- kontaktiopetusta ja yhdessä oppimista 15 tuntia
- itsenäistä materiaaleihin perehtymistä 30 tuntia
- verkkokurssin oppimistehtävien tekemistä 40
- harjoitustehtävien tekeminen ja vertaisarviointi 50 tuntia

Further information for students

Opintojakson suoritukset arvioidaan seuraavasti:
- kontaktiopetus ja yhdessä oppiminen osallistumiskertojen perusteella, 80% läsnäolo edellytetään.
- itsenäinen materiaaleihin perehtyminen toteutuu opiskelijan itsearviointina.
- harjoitustehtävät arvioidaan erillisten arviointikriteerien mukaisesti asteikolla hyväksytty- hylätty
-vertaispalaute arvioidaan asteikolla hyväksytty- hylätty

Avoimen amk:n paikat (5) Alkio-opiston opiskelijoille.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

The student recognises societal digitalisation and digital services and operating environments as part of their own professional activities. They can name and analyse key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services sector and the networks formed by them.

The student is familiar with cyber security as a concept and can name key factors that endanger cyber security in the rehabilitation and social services sector. They can also explain cyber and information security issues that must be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee. They recognise ethical questions related to digital guidance and are able to consider these in client work.

The student can explain the concepts of accessibility and Design for all. The student knows how legislation governs the realisation of accessibility in public and private health care and social services. They can analyse and assess the accessibility and usability of solutions and services offered to clients and make proposals for client-oriented service solutions.

The student can describe and analyse professional digital social networks and services offering digital peer support. They recognise the professional's role in guiding the rehabilitee towards peer work in an online environment and have methods for guiding clients in digital networks. The student understands the phenomenon of digital exclusion and recognises ways to prevent it. The student can consider and promote clients' opportunities and prerequisites for participating in digitally implemented guidance or rehabilitation services.


01.11.2021 - 05.12.2021


03.01.2022 - 11.03.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Emmi Ritvos
  • Liisa Mattila
  • SKO20SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling


Description of the course:
As a result of digitalisation, the operating environments of rehabilitation have changed and will change in the coming years. This change challenges both rehabilitation professionals and rehabilitees on how to act safely and appropriately in different digital environments and communities.

After completing the course, you will be able to define social digital networks in client work and from the perspective of your professional field as well as utilise the environments and working methods of digital networks in your work. You know how to assess and promote the rehabilitee's skills and knowledge on how to work safely in different digital environments. You know how to guide the rehabilitee to operate in different digital services.


During the course, the students familiarise themselves with key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services and the networks formed by them. During the course, students familiarise themselves with cyber security and learn how data security and cyber security issues should be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee, taking ethics into account. In connection with digital services, they also learn how accessibility and usability can be assessed when considering the adoption of the solutions that best suit the rehabilitee's needs and user experiences.

During the course, you learn about peer platforms operating in digital environments and examine the role of professionals in guiding rehabilitees towards peer work in online environments. During the course, students familiarise themselves with digital exclusion as a phenomenon and identify methods for preventing digital exclusion. You will examine the factors that affect the client's possibilities and prerequisites to participate in digitally implemented service or guidance situations.

Time and location

Katso webinaarien ajankohdat aikataulusta. Yhden webinaarin osalta järjestetään mahdollisuus tutustua Digitaalisen ohjaustyön välineistöön Jamk kampuksella.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Opintojakson oppimateriaalina on ajankohtaihen Digitaalista ohjaustyöta kuntoutus- ja sosiaalialalla käsittelevä sisältö, joka löytyy opintojakson Moodle oppimisympäristöstä.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso toteutuu verkko-opiskeluna, joka sisältää ryhmän yhteisiä webinaareja, itsenäistä oppimistehtävien työstämistä sekä verkkomateriaaleihin tutustumista.
Opintojakson suoritus muodostuu webinaareihin osallistumisesta (aktiivinen osallistuminen, min 80% läsnäolovelvoite), itsenäisten oppimistehtävien tekemisestä sekä pienryhmissä tehtävien harjoitustöiden ja vertaisarvioinnin suorittamisesta.

Alternative completion methods

Toiseen harjoitustehtävään kuuluva ohjaustilanne on mahdollista toteuttaa oman asiakkaan kanssa, webinaarin sijasta.

Student workload

Opintojakso sisältää:

- kontaktiopetusta ja yhdessä oppimista 15 tuntia
- itsenäistä materiaaleihin perehtymistä 30 tuntia
- verkkokurssin oppimistehtävien tekemistä 40
- harjoitustehtävien tekeminen ja vertaisarviointi 50 tuntia

Further information for students

Opintojakson suoritukset arvioidaan seuraavasti:
- kontaktiopetus ja yhdessä oppiminen osallistumiskertojen perusteella, 80% läsnäolo edellytetään.
- itsenäinen materiaaleihin perehtyminen toteutuu opiskelijan itsearviointina.
- harjoitustehtävät arvioidaan erillisten arviointikriteerien mukaisesti asteikolla hyväksytty- hylätty
-vertaispalaute arvioidaan asteikolla hyväksytty- hylätty

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

The student recognises societal digitalisation and digital services and operating environments as part of their own professional activities. They can name and analyse key digital operating environments and services in the rehabilitation and social services sector and the networks formed by them.

The student is familiar with cyber security as a concept and can name key factors that endanger cyber security in the rehabilitation and social services sector. They can also explain cyber and information security issues that must be considered both in their own activities and when guiding the rehabilitee. They recognise ethical questions related to digital guidance and are able to consider these in client work.

The student can explain the concepts of accessibility and Design for all. The student knows how legislation governs the realisation of accessibility in public and private health care and social services. They can analyse and assess the accessibility and usability of solutions and services offered to clients and make proposals for client-oriented service solutions.

The student can describe and analyse professional digital social networks and services offering digital peer support. They recognise the professional's role in guiding the rehabilitee towards peer work in an online environment and have methods for guiding clients in digital networks. The student understands the phenomenon of digital exclusion and recognises ways to prevent it. The student can consider and promote clients' opportunities and prerequisites for participating in digitally implemented guidance or rehabilitation services.