Basics of Medical and Cancer NursingLaajuus (4 cr)
Code: SZYY2018
4 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Responsible person
- Janne Alenius
Purpose of the course
The aim of the course is to learn about prevention, nursing care and support of individual self-care for internal and cancer diseases.
Competences of the course
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Health promotion competence
International and communication competence
Learning outcomes of the course
After completing this course, you are aware of the key risk factors for internal and oncological diseases, and will have the capability for resource-based prevention. You understand the process of nursing a patient with internal and oncological diseases, and learn about the most common nursing methods for treating the above mentioned patient groups. You are able to apply motivational counceling techniques for lifestyle change, and will know how to support patient commitment to self-care, even in digital counceling environments. You familiarize yourself with the basics of radiation safety and get acquainted with most common radiological examinations.
Risk factors and prevention of internal and cancer diseases
Basics of nursing and medication in internal and cancer diseases
Self-care councelling for internal and cancer patients
Radiologic examinations and related radiation safety
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Sufficient 1
You are aware of the healthy lifestyle choices and you are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Satisfactory 2
You have a holistic view of the impact of lifestyle choices on health and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Good 3
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You are able to consistently tell the patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Very good 4
You are able to justify the importance of a healthy lifestyle to a patient and be able to guide patients in a resource-oriented way and prioritize the guidance topics. You have a broad understanding of the most common risk factors of internal and cancer diseases. You are able to tell the patient about his or her illness in a consistent way and to guide the patient about self-care while taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner as well as prioritize the guidance topics. You can assess the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases and know how to affect them. You will be able to tell the patient about his or her illness consistently and provide detailed councelling, while justifying and taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
01.08.2024 - 19.08.2024
28.10.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 25
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Janne Alenius
- Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
Teacher in charge
Janne Alenius
SAR24K1Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
ZJASAR24K1Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sairaanhoitaja päivä
Purpose of the course
The aim of the course is to learn about prevention, nursing care and support of individual self-care for internal and cancer diseases.
Competences of the course
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Health promotion competence
International and communication competence
Learning outcomes of the course
After completing this course, you are aware of the key risk factors for internal and oncological diseases, and will have the capability for resource-based prevention. You understand the process of nursing a patient with internal and oncological diseases, and learn about the most common nursing methods for treating the above mentioned patient groups. You are able to apply motivational counceling techniques for lifestyle change, and will know how to support patient commitment to self-care, even in digital counceling environments. You familiarize yourself with the basics of radiation safety and get acquainted with most common radiological examinations.
Risk factors and prevention of internal and cancer diseases
Basics of nursing and medication in internal and cancer diseases
Self-care councelling for internal and cancer patients
Radiologic examinations and related radiation safety
Learning materials and recommended literature
Holmström P., Korhonen L., Kuusisto M., Rintamäki R. & Tauriainen M-M. 2023. Sisätaudit. Sanoma Pro.
Huovinen A., Karhemaa A., Koponen L., Hynynen M-A. & Mäkeläinen T. 2023. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. Soveltuvin osin
Säteilysuojelun perusteet (online). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020.
Motivoiva keskustelu (online). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020.
Sairaanhoitajien tietokannan artikkelit ja käypä hoito suositukset soveltuvin osin.
Potilasjärjestöjen kotisivut soveltuvien.
Muu tunnilla tai Moodlessa annettu materiaali.
Teaching methods
Opintojakson opetusmenetelmät perustuvat konstruktivistiseen oppimiskäsitykseen, jossa oppiminen nähdään opiskelijan oman toiminnan tuloksena ja sosiaalisella vuorovaikutuksella on siinä keskeinen rooli. Osalle opetuskertoja on ennakkotehtävä, joka auttaa orientoitumaan tunnilla käsiteltävään asiaan ja siten oppitunneilla päästään syventymään asiaan nopeammin. Oppitunneilla tehdään myös soveltavia potilas case tehtäviä ja tutustutaan aiheeseen liittyvään hoitotieteelliseen tutkimukseen annettujen lähteiden avulla.
Practical training and working life connections
Opintojaksolla tehdään chat- ja etävastaanottosimulaatioharjoituksia
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Tentti viikolla 43
Student workload
Kontaktiopetusta 13 x 2 oppituntia
Simulaatio harjoitus 1 x 4 oppituntia
Vierailijoita ja järjestöjen esittelyjä 6h
Pari- ja ryhmätyöskentely 24h
Itsenäinen työskentely 48h
Further information for students
Arvioitin tapahtuu opintojakson lopussa olevan tentin avulla. Arviointi 0-5. Opintojakson hyväksytysti suorittaminen vaatii silti kaikkien opintojaksolla annettujen tehtävien tekemistä.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
You are aware of the healthy lifestyle choices and you are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Satisfactory 2
You have a holistic view of the impact of lifestyle choices on health and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You are able to consistently tell the patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Very good 4
You are able to justify the importance of a healthy lifestyle to a patient and be able to guide patients in a resource-oriented way and prioritize the guidance topics. You have a broad understanding of the most common risk factors of internal and cancer diseases. You are able to tell the patient about his or her illness in a consistent way and to guide the patient about self-care while taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner as well as prioritize the guidance topics. You can assess the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases and know how to affect them. You will be able to tell the patient about his or her illness consistently and provide detailed councelling, while justifying and taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
01.08.2024 - 19.08.2024
23.09.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 35
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Janne Alenius
- Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
Teacher in charge
Janne Alenius
SAR24KMSairaanhoitaja (AMK)
ZJASAR24KMAvoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sairaanhoitaja monimuoto
Purpose of the course
The aim of the course is to learn about prevention, nursing care and support of individual self-care for internal and cancer diseases.
Competences of the course
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Health promotion competence
International and communication competence
Learning outcomes of the course
After completing this course, you are aware of the key risk factors for internal and oncological diseases, and will have the capability for resource-based prevention. You understand the process of nursing a patient with internal and oncological diseases, and learn about the most common nursing methods for treating the above mentioned patient groups. You are able to apply motivational counceling techniques for lifestyle change, and will know how to support patient commitment to self-care, even in digital counceling environments. You familiarize yourself with the basics of radiation safety and get acquainted with most common radiological examinations.
Risk factors and prevention of internal and cancer diseases
Basics of nursing and medication in internal and cancer diseases
Self-care councelling for internal and cancer patients
Radiologic examinations and related radiation safety
Learning materials and recommended literature
Holmström P., Korhonen L., Kuusisto M., Rintamäki R. & Tauriainen M-M. 2023. Sisätaudit. Sanoma Pro.
Huovinen A., Karhemaa A., Koponen L., Hynynen M-A. & Mäkeläinen T. 2023. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. Soveltuvin osin
Säteilysuojelun perusteet (online). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020.
Motivoiva keskustelu (online). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020.
Sairaanhoitajien tietokannan artikkelit ja käypä hoito suositukset soveltuvin osin.
Potilasjärjestöjen kotisivut soveltuvien.
Muu tunnilla tai Moodlessa annettu materiaali.
Teaching methods
Opintojakson opetusmenetelmät perustuvat konstruktivistiseen oppimiskäsitykseen, jossa oppiminen nähdään opiskelijan oman toiminnan tuloksena ja sosiaalisella vuorovaikutuksella on siinä keskeinen rooli. Osalle opetuskertoja on ennakkotehtävä, joka auttaa orientoitumaan tunnilla käsiteltävään asiaan ja siten oppitunneilla päästään syventymään asiaan nopeammin. Oppitunneilla tehdään myös soveltavia potilas case tehtäviä ja tutustutaan aiheeseen liittyvään hoitotieteelliseen tutkimukseen annettujen lähteiden avulla.
Practical training and working life connections
Opintojaksolla tehdään chat- ja etävastaanottosimulaatioharjoituksia
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Tentti viikolla 43
Student workload
Kontaktiopetusta 6 x 4 oppituntia
Simulaatio harjoitus 1 x 4 oppituntia
Vierailijoita ja järjestöjen esittelyjä 6h
Pari- ja ryhmätyöskentely 24h
Itsenäinen työskentely 48h
Further information for students
Arvioitin tapahtuu opintojakson lopussa olevan tentin avulla. Arviointi 0-5. Opintojakson hyväksytysti suorittaminen vaatii silti kaikkien opintojaksolla annettujen tehtävien tekemistä.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
You are aware of the healthy lifestyle choices and you are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Satisfactory 2
You have a holistic view of the impact of lifestyle choices on health and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You are able to consistently tell the patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Very good 4
You are able to justify the importance of a healthy lifestyle to a patient and be able to guide patients in a resource-oriented way and prioritize the guidance topics. You have a broad understanding of the most common risk factors of internal and cancer diseases. You are able to tell the patient about his or her illness in a consistent way and to guide the patient about self-care while taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner as well as prioritize the guidance topics. You can assess the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases and know how to affect them. You will be able to tell the patient about his or her illness consistently and provide detailed councelling, while justifying and taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
01.08.2024 - 19.08.2024
27.08.2024 - 19.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
75 % Face-to-face, 25 % Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Jaana Perttunen
- Hannele Tyrväinen
ZJASAR24KMLAvoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sairaanhoitaja monimuoto, Lähihoitajasta sairaanhoitajaksi
Purpose of the course
The aim of the course is to learn about prevention, nursing care and support of individual self-care for internal and cancer diseases.
Competences of the course
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Health promotion competence
International and communication competence
Learning outcomes of the course
After completing this course, you are aware of the key risk factors for internal and oncological diseases, and will have the capability for resource-based prevention. You understand the process of nursing a patient with internal and oncological diseases, and learn about the most common nursing methods for treating the above mentioned patient groups. You are able to apply motivational counceling techniques for lifestyle change, and will know how to support patient commitment to self-care, even in digital counceling environments. You familiarize yourself with the basics of radiation safety and get acquainted with most common radiological examinations.
Risk factors and prevention of internal and cancer diseases
Basics of nursing and medication in internal and cancer diseases
Self-care councelling for internal and cancer patients
Radiologic examinations and related radiation safety
Time and location
Elokuu-joulukuu 2023
Learning materials and recommended literature
978-952-63-5139-1 Kliininen hoitotyö: sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoito. 2019. Toim. O. Ahonen, M. Blek-Vehkaluoto, T. Buura, S. Ekola, S. Partamies, V. Sulosaari & S. Antila. 8. uud. p. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.
Oppiportti; Säteilysuojelun verkkokurssi
Teaching methods
Luento-opetus (webinaareissa)
Student workload
Kontaktiopetus ja valmistautuminen 54 t
Kirjalliset tehtävät 27 t
Itsenäinen opiskelu 54 t
Further information for students
Kirjallisten tehtävien ja workshop-tehtävien arviointi 0-5.
Avoimen erillisryhmä.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
You are aware of the healthy lifestyle choices and you are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Satisfactory 2
You have a holistic view of the impact of lifestyle choices on health and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You are able to consistently tell the patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Very good 4
You are able to justify the importance of a healthy lifestyle to a patient and be able to guide patients in a resource-oriented way and prioritize the guidance topics. You have a broad understanding of the most common risk factors of internal and cancer diseases. You are able to tell the patient about his or her illness in a consistent way and to guide the patient about self-care while taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner as well as prioritize the guidance topics. You can assess the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases and know how to affect them. You will be able to tell the patient about his or her illness consistently and provide detailed councelling, while justifying and taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
01.08.2024 - 19.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 27.10.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Janne Alenius
- Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
ZJASOK24K1Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, kätilö päivä
SOK24K1Kätilö (AMK), päivätoteutus
Purpose of the course
The aim of the course is to learn about prevention, nursing care and support of individual self-care for internal and cancer diseases.
Competences of the course
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Health promotion competence
International and communication competence
Learning outcomes of the course
After completing this course, you are aware of the key risk factors for internal and oncological diseases, and will have the capability for resource-based prevention. You understand the process of nursing a patient with internal and oncological diseases, and learn about the most common nursing methods for treating the above mentioned patient groups. You are able to apply motivational counceling techniques for lifestyle change, and will know how to support patient commitment to self-care, even in digital counceling environments. You familiarize yourself with the basics of radiation safety and get acquainted with most common radiological examinations.
Risk factors and prevention of internal and cancer diseases
Basics of nursing and medication in internal and cancer diseases
Self-care councelling for internal and cancer patients
Radiologic examinations and related radiation safety
Learning materials and recommended literature
Holmström P., Korhonen L., Kuusisto M., Rintamäki R. & Tauriainen M-M. 2023. Sisätaudit. Sanoma Pro.
Huovinen A., Karhemaa A., Koponen L., Hynynen M-A. & Mäkeläinen T. 2023. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. Soveltuvin osin
Säteilysuojelun perusteet (online). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020.
Motivoiva keskustelu (online). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020.
Sairaanhoitajien tietokannan artikkelit ja käypä hoito suositukset soveltuvin osin.
Potilasjärjestöjen kotisivut soveltuvien.
Muu tunnilla tai Moodlessa annettu materiaali.
Teaching methods
Opintojakson opetusmenetelmät perustuvat konstruktivistiseen oppimiskäsitykseen, jossa oppiminen nähdään opiskelijan oman toiminnan tuloksena ja sosiaalisella vuorovaikutuksella on siinä keskeinen rooli. Osalle opetuskertoja on ennakkotehtävä, joka auttaa orientoitumaan tunnilla käsiteltävään asiaan ja siten oppitunneilla päästään syventymään asiaan nopeammin. Oppitunneilla tehdään myös soveltavia potilas case tehtäviä ja tutustutaan aiheeseen liittyvään hoitotieteelliseen tutkimukseen annettujen lähteiden avulla.
Practical training and working life connections
Opintojaksolla tehdään chat- ja etävastaanottosimulaatioharjoituksia
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Tentti viikolla 43
Student workload
Kontaktiopetusta 13 x 2 oppituntia
Simulaatio harjoitus 1 x 4 oppituntia
Vierailijoita ja järjestöjen esittelyjä 6h
Pari- ja ryhmätyöskentely 24h
Itsenäinen työskentely 48h
Further information for students
Arvioitin tapahtuu opintojakson lopussa olevan tentin avulla. Arviointi 0-5. Opintojakson hyväksytysti suorittaminen vaatii silti kaikkien opintojaksolla annettujen tehtävien tekemistä.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
You are aware of the healthy lifestyle choices and you are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Satisfactory 2
You have a holistic view of the impact of lifestyle choices on health and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You are able to consistently tell the patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Very good 4
You are able to justify the importance of a healthy lifestyle to a patient and be able to guide patients in a resource-oriented way and prioritize the guidance topics. You have a broad understanding of the most common risk factors of internal and cancer diseases. You are able to tell the patient about his or her illness in a consistent way and to guide the patient about self-care while taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner as well as prioritize the guidance topics. You can assess the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases and know how to affect them. You will be able to tell the patient about his or her illness consistently and provide detailed councelling, while justifying and taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024
11.03.2024 - 19.05.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Leena Rasa
- Janne Alenius
- Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
Teacher in charge
Janne Alenius
ZJASAR23S1Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sairaanhoitaja päivä
SAR23S1Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
Purpose of the course
The aim of the course is to learn about prevention, nursing care and support of individual self-care for internal and cancer diseases.
Competences of the course
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Health promotion competence
International and communication competence
Learning outcomes of the course
After completing this course, you are aware of the key risk factors for internal and oncological diseases, and will have the capability for resource-based prevention. You understand the process of nursing a patient with internal and oncological diseases, and learn about the most common nursing methods for treating the above mentioned patient groups. You are able to apply motivational counceling techniques for lifestyle change, and will know how to support patient commitment to self-care, even in digital counceling environments. You familiarize yourself with the basics of radiation safety and get acquainted with most common radiological examinations.
Risk factors and prevention of internal and cancer diseases
Basics of nursing and medication in internal and cancer diseases
Self-care councelling for internal and cancer patients
Radiologic examinations and related radiation safety
Learning materials and recommended literature
Holmström P., Korhonen L., Kuusisto M., Rintamäki R. & Tauriainen M-M. 2022. Sisätaudit. Sanoma Pro.
Ahonen, O., Blek-Vehkaluoto, M., Ekola, S., Partamies, S., Sulosaari, V & Uski-Tallqvist, T. 2019 (tai uusin painos). Kliininen hoitotyö. Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. Soveltuvin osin
Säteilysuojelun perusteet (online). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020. Saatavilla internetissä (vaatii käyttäjätunnuksen)
Motivoiva keskustelu (online). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020. Saatavilla internetissä (vaatii käyttäjätunnuksen
Sairaanhoitajien tietokannan artikkelit ja käypä hoito suositukset soveltuvin osin.
Soveltuvien potilasjärjestöjen kotisivut.
Muu tunnilla tai Moodlessa annettu materiaali.
Teaching methods
Opintojakson opetusmenetelmät perustuvat konstruktivistiseen oppimiskäsitykseen, jossa oppiminen nähdään opiskelijan oman toiminnan tuloksena ja sosiaalisella vuorovaikutuksella on siinä keskeinen rooli. Osalle opetuskertoja on ennakkotehtävä, joka auttaa orientoitumaan tunnilla käsiteltävään asiaan ja siten oppitunneilla päästään syventymään asiaan nopeammin. Oppitunneilla tehdään myös soveltavia potilas case tehtäviä ja tutustutaan aiheeseen liittyvään hoitotieteelliseen tutkimukseen annettujen lähteiden avulla.
Practical training and working life connections
Opintojaksolla tehdään chat- ja etävastaanottosimulaatioharjoituksia
Student workload
Kontaktiopetusta 8 x 4h oppituntia ja 1h tentti
Simulaatio harjoitus 1 x 4h oppituntia
Pari- ja ryhmätyöskentely 24h
Itsenäinen työskentely 47h
Further information for students
Arvioitin tapahtuu opintojakson lopussa olevan tentin avulla. Arviointi 0-5. Opintojakson hyväksytysti suorittaminen vaatii silti kaikkien opintojaksolla annettujen tehtävien tekemistä.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
You are aware of the healthy lifestyle choices and you are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Satisfactory 2
You have a holistic view of the impact of lifestyle choices on health and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You are able to consistently tell the patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Very good 4
You are able to justify the importance of a healthy lifestyle to a patient and be able to guide patients in a resource-oriented way and prioritize the guidance topics. You have a broad understanding of the most common risk factors of internal and cancer diseases. You are able to tell the patient about his or her illness in a consistent way and to guide the patient about self-care while taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner as well as prioritize the guidance topics. You can assess the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases and know how to affect them. You will be able to tell the patient about his or her illness consistently and provide detailed councelling, while justifying and taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
20.11.2023 - 06.01.2024
06.03.2024 - 19.05.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Leena Rasa
- Janne Alenius
- Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
Teacher in charge
Janne Alenius
ZJASAR23SMAvoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sairaanhoitaja monimuoto
SAR23SMSairaanhoitaja (AMK)
Purpose of the course
The aim of the course is to learn about prevention, nursing care and support of individual self-care for internal and cancer diseases.
Competences of the course
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Health promotion competence
International and communication competence
Learning outcomes of the course
After completing this course, you are aware of the key risk factors for internal and oncological diseases, and will have the capability for resource-based prevention. You understand the process of nursing a patient with internal and oncological diseases, and learn about the most common nursing methods for treating the above mentioned patient groups. You are able to apply motivational counceling techniques for lifestyle change, and will know how to support patient commitment to self-care, even in digital counceling environments. You familiarize yourself with the basics of radiation safety and get acquainted with most common radiological examinations.
Risk factors and prevention of internal and cancer diseases
Basics of nursing and medication in internal and cancer diseases
Self-care councelling for internal and cancer patients
Radiologic examinations and related radiation safety
Learning materials and recommended literature
Holmström P., Korhonen L., Kuusisto M., Rintamäki R. & Tauriainen M-M. 2022. Sisätaudit. Sanoma Pro.
Ahonen, O., Blek-Vehkaluoto, M., Ekola, S., Partamies, S., Sulosaari, V & Uski-Tallqvist, T. 2019 (tai uusin painos). Kliininen hoitotyö. Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. Soveltuvin osin
Säteilysuojelun perusteet (online). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020. Saatavilla internetissä (vaatii käyttäjätunnuksen)
Motivoiva keskustelu (online). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020. Saatavilla internetissä (vaatii käyttäjätunnuksen
Sairaanhoitajien tietokannan artikkelit ja käypä hoito suositukset soveltuvin osin.
Soveltuvien potilasjärjestöjen kotisivut.
Muu tunnilla tai Moodlessa annettu materiaali.
Teaching methods
Opintojakson opetusmenetelmät perustuvat konstruktivistiseen oppimiskäsitykseen, jossa oppiminen nähdään opiskelijan oman toiminnan tuloksena ja sosiaalisella vuorovaikutuksella on siinä keskeinen rooli. Osalle opetuskertoja on ennakkotehtävä, joka auttaa orientoitumaan tunnilla käsiteltävään asiaan ja siten oppitunneilla päästään syventymään asiaan nopeammin. Oppitunneilla tehdään myös soveltavia potilas case tehtäviä ja tutustutaan aiheeseen liittyvään hoitotieteelliseen tutkimukseen annettujen lähteiden avulla.
Practical training and working life connections
Opintojaksolla tehdään chat- ja etävastaanottosimulaatioharjoituksia
Student workload
Kontaktiopetusta 6 x 4h oppituntia ja 1h tentti
Simulaatio harjoitus 1 x 4h oppituntia
Pari- ja ryhmätyöskentely 24h
Itsenäinen työskentely 55h
Further information for students
Arvioitin tapahtuu opintojakson lopussa olevan tentin avulla. Arviointi 0-5. Opintojakson hyväksytysti suorittaminen vaatii silti kaikkien opintojaksolla annettujen tehtävien tekemistä.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
You are aware of the healthy lifestyle choices and you are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Satisfactory 2
You have a holistic view of the impact of lifestyle choices on health and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You are able to consistently tell the patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Very good 4
You are able to justify the importance of a healthy lifestyle to a patient and be able to guide patients in a resource-oriented way and prioritize the guidance topics. You have a broad understanding of the most common risk factors of internal and cancer diseases. You are able to tell the patient about his or her illness in a consistent way and to guide the patient about self-care while taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner as well as prioritize the guidance topics. You can assess the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases and know how to affect them. You will be able to tell the patient about his or her illness consistently and provide detailed councelling, while justifying and taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023
30.10.2023 - 19.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Janne Alenius
- Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
Teacher in charge
Janne Alenius
ZJASAR23K1Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sairaanhoitaja päivä
SAR23K1Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
Purpose of the course
The aim of the course is to learn about prevention, nursing care and support of individual self-care for internal and cancer diseases.
Competences of the course
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Health promotion competence
International and communication competence
Learning outcomes of the course
After completing this course, you are aware of the key risk factors for internal and oncological diseases, and will have the capability for resource-based prevention. You understand the process of nursing a patient with internal and oncological diseases, and learn about the most common nursing methods for treating the above mentioned patient groups. You are able to apply motivational counceling techniques for lifestyle change, and will know how to support patient commitment to self-care, even in digital counceling environments. You familiarize yourself with the basics of radiation safety and get acquainted with most common radiological examinations.
Risk factors and prevention of internal and cancer diseases
Basics of nursing and medication in internal and cancer diseases
Self-care councelling for internal and cancer patients
Radiologic examinations and related radiation safety
Learning materials and recommended literature
Holmström P., Korhonen L., Kuusisto M., Rintamäki R. & Tauriainen M-M. 2022. Sisätaudit. Sanoma Pro.
Ahonen, O., Blek-Vehkaluoto, M., Ekola, S., Partamies, S., Sulosaari, V & Uski-Tallqvist, T. 2019 (tai uusin painos). Kliininen hoitotyö. Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. Soveltuvin osin
Säteilysuojelun perusteet (online). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020. Saatavilla internetissä (vaatii käyttäjätunnuksen)
Motivoiva keskustelu (online). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020. Saatavilla internetissä (vaatii käyttäjätunnuksen
Sairaanhoitajien tietokannan artikkelit ja käypä hoito suositukset soveltuvin osin.
Soveltuvien potilasjärjestöjen kotisivut.
Muu tunnilla tai Moodlessa annettu materiaali.
Teaching methods
Opintojakson opetusmenetelmät perustuvat konstruktivistiseen oppimiskäsitykseen, jossa oppiminen nähdään opiskelijan oman toiminnan tuloksena ja sosiaalisella vuorovaikutuksella on siinä keskeinen rooli. Osalle opetuskertoja on ennakkotehtävä, joka auttaa orientoitumaan tunnilla käsiteltävään asiaan ja siten oppitunneilla päästään syventymään asiaan nopeammin. Oppitunneilla tehdään myös soveltavia potilas case tehtäviä ja tutustutaan aiheeseen liittyvään hoitotieteelliseen tutkimukseen annettujen lähteiden avulla.
Practical training and working life connections
Opintojaksolla tehdään chat- ja etävastaanottosimulaatioharjoituksia
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Tentti viikolla 49
Student workload
Kontaktiopetusta 8 x 4h oppituntia ja 1h tentti
Simulaatio harjoitus 1 x 4h oppituntia
Pari- ja ryhmätyöskentely 24h
Itsenäinen työskentely 47h
Further information for students
Arvioitin tapahtuu opintojakson lopussa olevan tentin avulla. Arviointi 0-5. Opintojakson hyväksytysti suorittaminen vaatii silti kaikkien opintojaksolla annettujen tehtävien tekemistä.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
You are aware of the healthy lifestyle choices and you are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Satisfactory 2
You have a holistic view of the impact of lifestyle choices on health and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You are able to consistently tell the patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Very good 4
You are able to justify the importance of a healthy lifestyle to a patient and be able to guide patients in a resource-oriented way and prioritize the guidance topics. You have a broad understanding of the most common risk factors of internal and cancer diseases. You are able to tell the patient about his or her illness in a consistent way and to guide the patient about self-care while taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner as well as prioritize the guidance topics. You can assess the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases and know how to affect them. You will be able to tell the patient about his or her illness consistently and provide detailed councelling, while justifying and taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023
25.09.2023 - 19.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Janne Alenius
- Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
Teacher in charge
Janne Alenius
ZJASAR23KMAvoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sairaanhoitaja monimuoto
SAR23KMSairaanhoitaja (AMK)
Purpose of the course
The aim of the course is to learn about prevention, nursing care and support of individual self-care for internal and cancer diseases.
Competences of the course
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Health promotion competence
International and communication competence
Learning outcomes of the course
After completing this course, you are aware of the key risk factors for internal and oncological diseases, and will have the capability for resource-based prevention. You understand the process of nursing a patient with internal and oncological diseases, and learn about the most common nursing methods for treating the above mentioned patient groups. You are able to apply motivational counceling techniques for lifestyle change, and will know how to support patient commitment to self-care, even in digital counceling environments. You familiarize yourself with the basics of radiation safety and get acquainted with most common radiological examinations.
Risk factors and prevention of internal and cancer diseases
Basics of nursing and medication in internal and cancer diseases
Self-care councelling for internal and cancer patients
Radiologic examinations and related radiation safety
Learning materials and recommended literature
Holmström P., Korhonen L., Kuusisto M., Rintamäki R. & Tauriainen M-M. 2022. Sisätaudit. Sanoma Pro.
Ahonen, O., Blek-Vehkaluoto, M., Ekola, S., Partamies, S., Sulosaari, V & Uski-Tallqvist, T. 2019 (tai uusin painos). Kliininen hoitotyö. Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. Soveltuvin osin
Säteilysuojelun perusteet (online). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020. Saatavilla internetissä (vaatii käyttäjätunnuksen)
Motivoiva keskustelu (online). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020. Saatavilla internetissä (vaatii käyttäjätunnuksen
Sairaanhoitajien tietokannan artikkelit ja käypä hoito suositukset soveltuvin osin.
Soveltuvien potilasjärjestöjen kotisivut.
Muu tunnilla tai Moodlessa annettu materiaali.
Teaching methods
Opintojakson opetusmenetelmät perustuvat konstruktivistiseen oppimiskäsitykseen, jossa oppiminen nähdään opiskelijan oman toiminnan tuloksena ja sosiaalisella vuorovaikutuksella on siinä keskeinen rooli. Osalle opetuskertoja on ennakkotehtävä, joka auttaa orientoitumaan tunnilla käsiteltävään asiaan ja siten oppitunneilla päästään syventymään asiaan nopeammin. Oppitunneilla tehdään myös soveltavia potilas case tehtäviä ja tutustutaan aiheeseen liittyvään hoitotieteelliseen tutkimukseen annettujen lähteiden avulla.
Practical training and working life connections
Opintojaksolla tehdään chat- ja etävastaanottosimulaatioharjoituksia
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Tentti viikolla 49
Student workload
Kontaktiopetusta 6 x 4h oppituntia ja 1h tentti
Simulaatio harjoitus 1 x 4h oppituntia
Pari- ja ryhmätyöskentely 24h
Itsenäinen työskentely 55h
Further information for students
Arvioitin tapahtuu opintojakson lopussa olevan tentin avulla. Arviointi 0-5. Opintojakson hyväksytysti suorittaminen vaatii silti kaikkien opintojaksolla annettujen tehtävien tekemistä.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
You are aware of the healthy lifestyle choices and you are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Satisfactory 2
You have a holistic view of the impact of lifestyle choices on health and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You are able to consistently tell the patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Very good 4
You are able to justify the importance of a healthy lifestyle to a patient and be able to guide patients in a resource-oriented way and prioritize the guidance topics. You have a broad understanding of the most common risk factors of internal and cancer diseases. You are able to tell the patient about his or her illness in a consistent way and to guide the patient about self-care while taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner as well as prioritize the guidance topics. You can assess the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases and know how to affect them. You will be able to tell the patient about his or her illness consistently and provide detailed councelling, while justifying and taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
29.08.2023 - 21.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
75 % Face-to-face, 25 % Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Jaana Perttunen
- Hannele Tyrväinen
ZJASAR23KMLAvoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sairaanhoitaja monimuoto, Lähihoitajasta sairaanhoitajaksi
Purpose of the course
The aim of the course is to learn about prevention, nursing care and support of individual self-care for internal and cancer diseases.
Competences of the course
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Health promotion competence
International and communication competence
Learning outcomes of the course
After completing this course, you are aware of the key risk factors for internal and oncological diseases, and will have the capability for resource-based prevention. You understand the process of nursing a patient with internal and oncological diseases, and learn about the most common nursing methods for treating the above mentioned patient groups. You are able to apply motivational counceling techniques for lifestyle change, and will know how to support patient commitment to self-care, even in digital counceling environments. You familiarize yourself with the basics of radiation safety and get acquainted with most common radiological examinations.
Risk factors and prevention of internal and cancer diseases
Basics of nursing and medication in internal and cancer diseases
Self-care councelling for internal and cancer patients
Radiologic examinations and related radiation safety
Time and location
Elokuu-joulukuu 2023
Learning materials and recommended literature
978-952-63-5139-1 Kliininen hoitotyö: sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoito. 2019. Toim. O. Ahonen, M. Blek-Vehkaluoto, T. Buura, S. Ekola, S. Partamies, V. Sulosaari & S. Antila. 8. uud. p. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.
Oppiportti; Säteilysuojelun verkkokurssi
Teaching methods
Luento-opetus (webinaareissa)
Student workload
Kontaktiopetus ja valmistautuminen 54 t
Kirjalliset tehtävät 27 t
Itsenäinen opiskelu 54 t
Further information for students
Kirjallisten tehtävien ja workshop-tehtävien arviointi 0-5.
Erillisryhmä ZJASAR23KML (lähihoitajasta sairaanhoitajaksi) n 30 opiskelijaa.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
You are aware of the healthy lifestyle choices and you are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Satisfactory 2
You have a holistic view of the impact of lifestyle choices on health and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You are able to consistently tell the patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Very good 4
You are able to justify the importance of a healthy lifestyle to a patient and be able to guide patients in a resource-oriented way and prioritize the guidance topics. You have a broad understanding of the most common risk factors of internal and cancer diseases. You are able to tell the patient about his or her illness in a consistent way and to guide the patient about self-care while taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner as well as prioritize the guidance topics. You can assess the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases and know how to affect them. You will be able to tell the patient about his or her illness consistently and provide detailed councelling, while justifying and taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023
28.08.2023 - 12.11.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Janne Alenius
- Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
SOK23K1Kätilö (AMK), päivätoteutus
ZJASOK23K1Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, kätilö päivä
Purpose of the course
The aim of the course is to learn about prevention, nursing care and support of individual self-care for internal and cancer diseases.
Competences of the course
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Health promotion competence
International and communication competence
Learning outcomes of the course
After completing this course, you are aware of the key risk factors for internal and oncological diseases, and will have the capability for resource-based prevention. You understand the process of nursing a patient with internal and oncological diseases, and learn about the most common nursing methods for treating the above mentioned patient groups. You are able to apply motivational counceling techniques for lifestyle change, and will know how to support patient commitment to self-care, even in digital counceling environments. You familiarize yourself with the basics of radiation safety and get acquainted with most common radiological examinations.
Risk factors and prevention of internal and cancer diseases
Basics of nursing and medication in internal and cancer diseases
Self-care councelling for internal and cancer patients
Radiologic examinations and related radiation safety
Learning materials and recommended literature
Holmström P., Korhonen L., Kuusisto M., Rintamäki R. & Tauriainen M-M. 2022. Sisätaudit. Sanoma Pro.
Ahonen, O., Blek-Vehkaluoto, M., Ekola, S., Partamies, S., Sulosaari, V & Uski-Tallqvist, T. 2019 (tai uusin painos). Kliininen hoitotyö. Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. Soveltuvin osin
Säteilysuojelun perusteet (online). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020. Saatavilla internetissä (vaatii käyttäjätunnuksen)
Motivoiva keskustelu (online). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020. Saatavilla internetissä (vaatii käyttäjätunnuksen
Sairaanhoitajien tietokannan artikkelit ja käypä hoito suositukset soveltuvin osin.
Soveltuvien potilasjärjestöjen kotisivut.
Muu tunnilla tai Moodlessa annettu materiaali.
Teaching methods
Opintojakson opetusmenetelmät perustuvat konstruktivistiseen oppimiskäsitykseen, jossa oppiminen nähdään opiskelijan oman toiminnan tuloksena ja sosiaalisella vuorovaikutuksella on siinä keskeinen rooli. Osalle opetuskertoja on ennakkotehtävä, joka auttaa orientoitumaan tunnilla käsiteltävään asiaan ja siten oppitunneilla päästään syventymään asiaan nopeammin. Oppitunneilla tehdään myös soveltavia potilas case tehtäviä ja tutustutaan aiheeseen liittyvään hoitotieteelliseen tutkimukseen annettujen lähteiden avulla.
Practical training and working life connections
Opintojaksolla tehdään chat- ja etävastaanottosimulaatioharjoituksia
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Tentti viikolla 49
Student workload
Kontaktiopetusta 8 x 4h oppituntia ja 1h tentti
Simulaatio harjoitus 1 x 4h oppituntia
Pari- ja ryhmätyöskentely 24h
Itsenäinen työskentely 47h
Further information for students
Arvioitin tapahtuu opintojakson lopussa olevan tentin avulla. Arviointi 0-5. Opintojakson hyväksytysti suorittaminen vaatii silti kaikkien opintojaksolla annettujen tehtävien tekemistä.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
You are aware of the healthy lifestyle choices and you are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Satisfactory 2
You have a holistic view of the impact of lifestyle choices on health and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You are able to consistently tell the patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Very good 4
You are able to justify the importance of a healthy lifestyle to a patient and be able to guide patients in a resource-oriented way and prioritize the guidance topics. You have a broad understanding of the most common risk factors of internal and cancer diseases. You are able to tell the patient about his or her illness in a consistent way and to guide the patient about self-care while taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner as well as prioritize the guidance topics. You can assess the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases and know how to affect them. You will be able to tell the patient about his or her illness consistently and provide detailed councelling, while justifying and taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023
13.03.2023 - 19.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Janne Alenius
- Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
SAR22SMSairaanhoitaja (AMK)
ZJASAR22SMAvoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sairaanhoitaja monimuoto
Purpose of the course
The aim of the course is to learn about prevention, nursing care and support of individual self-care for internal and cancer diseases.
Competences of the course
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Health promotion competence
International and communication competence
Learning outcomes of the course
After completing this course, you are aware of the key risk factors for internal and oncological diseases, and will have the capability for resource-based prevention. You understand the process of nursing a patient with internal and oncological diseases, and learn about the most common nursing methods for treating the above mentioned patient groups. You are able to apply motivational counceling techniques for lifestyle change, and will know how to support patient commitment to self-care, even in digital counceling environments. You familiarize yourself with the basics of radiation safety and get acquainted with most common radiological examinations.
Risk factors and prevention of internal and cancer diseases
Basics of nursing and medication in internal and cancer diseases
Self-care councelling for internal and cancer patients
Radiologic examinations and related radiation safety
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
You are aware of the healthy lifestyle choices and you are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Satisfactory 2
You have a holistic view of the impact of lifestyle choices on health and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You are able to consistently tell the patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Very good 4
You are able to justify the importance of a healthy lifestyle to a patient and be able to guide patients in a resource-oriented way and prioritize the guidance topics. You have a broad understanding of the most common risk factors of internal and cancer diseases. You are able to tell the patient about his or her illness in a consistent way and to guide the patient about self-care while taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner as well as prioritize the guidance topics. You can assess the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases and know how to affect them. You will be able to tell the patient about his or her illness consistently and provide detailed councelling, while justifying and taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023
13.03.2023 - 19.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Janne Alenius
- Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
SAR22S1Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
ZJASAR22S1Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sairaanhoitaja päivä
Purpose of the course
The aim of the course is to learn about prevention, nursing care and support of individual self-care for internal and cancer diseases.
Competences of the course
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Health promotion competence
International and communication competence
Learning outcomes of the course
After completing this course, you are aware of the key risk factors for internal and oncological diseases, and will have the capability for resource-based prevention. You understand the process of nursing a patient with internal and oncological diseases, and learn about the most common nursing methods for treating the above mentioned patient groups. You are able to apply motivational counceling techniques for lifestyle change, and will know how to support patient commitment to self-care, even in digital counceling environments. You familiarize yourself with the basics of radiation safety and get acquainted with most common radiological examinations.
Risk factors and prevention of internal and cancer diseases
Basics of nursing and medication in internal and cancer diseases
Self-care councelling for internal and cancer patients
Radiologic examinations and related radiation safety
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
You are aware of the healthy lifestyle choices and you are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Satisfactory 2
You have a holistic view of the impact of lifestyle choices on health and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You are able to consistently tell the patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Very good 4
You are able to justify the importance of a healthy lifestyle to a patient and be able to guide patients in a resource-oriented way and prioritize the guidance topics. You have a broad understanding of the most common risk factors of internal and cancer diseases. You are able to tell the patient about his or her illness in a consistent way and to guide the patient about self-care while taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner as well as prioritize the guidance topics. You can assess the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases and know how to affect them. You will be able to tell the patient about his or her illness consistently and provide detailed councelling, while justifying and taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023
13.03.2023 - 19.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Janne Alenius
- Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
SAR22S2Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
Purpose of the course
The aim of the course is to learn about prevention, nursing care and support of individual self-care for internal and cancer diseases.
Competences of the course
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Health promotion competence
International and communication competence
Learning outcomes of the course
After completing this course, you are aware of the key risk factors for internal and oncological diseases, and will have the capability for resource-based prevention. You understand the process of nursing a patient with internal and oncological diseases, and learn about the most common nursing methods for treating the above mentioned patient groups. You are able to apply motivational counceling techniques for lifestyle change, and will know how to support patient commitment to self-care, even in digital counceling environments. You familiarize yourself with the basics of radiation safety and get acquainted with most common radiological examinations.
Risk factors and prevention of internal and cancer diseases
Basics of nursing and medication in internal and cancer diseases
Self-care councelling for internal and cancer patients
Radiologic examinations and related radiation safety
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
You are aware of the healthy lifestyle choices and you are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Satisfactory 2
You have a holistic view of the impact of lifestyle choices on health and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You are able to consistently tell the patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Very good 4
You are able to justify the importance of a healthy lifestyle to a patient and be able to guide patients in a resource-oriented way and prioritize the guidance topics. You have a broad understanding of the most common risk factors of internal and cancer diseases. You are able to tell the patient about his or her illness in a consistent way and to guide the patient about self-care while taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner as well as prioritize the guidance topics. You can assess the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases and know how to affect them. You will be able to tell the patient about his or her illness consistently and provide detailed councelling, while justifying and taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023
13.03.2023 - 19.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Janne Alenius
- Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
SAR22SM2Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
Purpose of the course
The aim of the course is to learn about prevention, nursing care and support of individual self-care for internal and cancer diseases.
Competences of the course
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Health promotion competence
International and communication competence
Learning outcomes of the course
After completing this course, you are aware of the key risk factors for internal and oncological diseases, and will have the capability for resource-based prevention. You understand the process of nursing a patient with internal and oncological diseases, and learn about the most common nursing methods for treating the above mentioned patient groups. You are able to apply motivational counceling techniques for lifestyle change, and will know how to support patient commitment to self-care, even in digital counceling environments. You familiarize yourself with the basics of radiation safety and get acquainted with most common radiological examinations.
Risk factors and prevention of internal and cancer diseases
Basics of nursing and medication in internal and cancer diseases
Self-care councelling for internal and cancer patients
Radiologic examinations and related radiation safety
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
You are aware of the healthy lifestyle choices and you are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Satisfactory 2
You have a holistic view of the impact of lifestyle choices on health and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You are able to consistently tell the patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Very good 4
You are able to justify the importance of a healthy lifestyle to a patient and be able to guide patients in a resource-oriented way and prioritize the guidance topics. You have a broad understanding of the most common risk factors of internal and cancer diseases. You are able to tell the patient about his or her illness in a consistent way and to guide the patient about self-care while taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner as well as prioritize the guidance topics. You can assess the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases and know how to affect them. You will be able to tell the patient about his or her illness consistently and provide detailed councelling, while justifying and taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022
31.10.2022 - 21.12.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Janne Alenius
Teacher in charge
Janne Alenius
ZJA22KSSHPAvoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sairaanhoitajat päivä
SAR22K1Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
Purpose of the course
The aim of the course is to learn about prevention, nursing care and support of individual self-care for internal and cancer diseases.
Competences of the course
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Health promotion competence
International and communication competence
Learning outcomes of the course
After completing this course, you are aware of the key risk factors for internal and oncological diseases, and will have the capability for resource-based prevention. You understand the process of nursing a patient with internal and oncological diseases, and learn about the most common nursing methods for treating the above mentioned patient groups. You are able to apply motivational counceling techniques for lifestyle change, and will know how to support patient commitment to self-care, even in digital counceling environments. You familiarize yourself with the basics of radiation safety and get acquainted with most common radiological examinations.
Risk factors and prevention of internal and cancer diseases
Basics of nursing and medication in internal and cancer diseases
Self-care councelling for internal and cancer patients
Radiologic examinations and related radiation safety
Learning materials and recommended literature
Ahonen, O., Blek-Vehkaluoto, M., Ekola, S., Partamies, S., Sulosaari, V & Uski-Tallqvist, T. 2019 (tai uusin painos). Kliininen hoitotyö. Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. Soveltuvin osin
Routasalo, P. & Pitkälä, K. Omahoidon tukeminen. Helsinki. Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2009. Saatavana: Http://
Motivoiva keskustelu (online).Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2014. Saatavilla internetissä (vaatii käyttäjätunnuksen)
Säteilysuojelun perusteet (online).Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020. Saatavilla internetissä (vaatii käyttäjätunnuksen)
Sairaanhoitajien tietokannan artikkelit ja käypä hoito suositukset soveltuvin osin.
Soveltuvien potilasjärjetöjen kotisivut.
Teaching methods
Opintojakson opetusmenetelmät perustuvat konsktruktivistiseen oppimiskäsitykseen, jossa oppiminen nähdään opiskelijan oman toiminnan tuloksena ja sosiaalisella vuorovaikutuksella on siinä keskeinen rooli. Kaikille opetuskerroille tullaan valmistautuneina asiaan jo alustavasti perehtyneinä ja aiheita työstetään pienryhmissä kontakteissa. Uutta tietoa opetellaan soveltamaan opettajan johdolla ja ymmärtämisen painottamisella edistetään mielekästä tiedon jäsentämistä. Oppimisen arviointia toteutetaan monipuolisesti itse- ja vertaisarviointia hyödyntäen.
Practical training and working life connections
Opintojaksolla tehdään simulaatioharjoituksia 8h (monimuodoilla vähintään 4h verkossa)
Student workload
Kontaktiopetus 25 t (sisältää pienryhmätyöskentelyä ja tentin 1 t)
Ennakkovalmistautuminen opetuskerroille 36 t (6 t opetuskertaa kohti)
Muu itsenäinen työskentely 35 t (tehtävät 10 t , oppiportin verkkokurssit 2 t, tenttiin valmistautuminen 23 t)
Pienryhmätyöskentely kontaktien ulkopuolella 12 t
Yhteensä 4 x 27 t = 108t
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
You are aware of the healthy lifestyle choices and you are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Satisfactory 2
You have a holistic view of the impact of lifestyle choices on health and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You are able to consistently tell the patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Very good 4
You are able to justify the importance of a healthy lifestyle to a patient and be able to guide patients in a resource-oriented way and prioritize the guidance topics. You have a broad understanding of the most common risk factors of internal and cancer diseases. You are able to tell the patient about his or her illness in a consistent way and to guide the patient about self-care while taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner as well as prioritize the guidance topics. You can assess the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases and know how to affect them. You will be able to tell the patient about his or her illness consistently and provide detailed councelling, while justifying and taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022
26.09.2022 - 21.12.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 30
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Janne Alenius
Teacher in charge
Janne Alenius
ZJA22KSSHMAvoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sairaanhoitajat monimuoto
SAR22KMSairaanhoitaja (AMK)
Purpose of the course
The aim of the course is to learn about prevention, nursing care and support of individual self-care for internal and cancer diseases.
Competences of the course
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Health promotion competence
International and communication competence
Learning outcomes of the course
After completing this course, you are aware of the key risk factors for internal and oncological diseases, and will have the capability for resource-based prevention. You understand the process of nursing a patient with internal and oncological diseases, and learn about the most common nursing methods for treating the above mentioned patient groups. You are able to apply motivational counceling techniques for lifestyle change, and will know how to support patient commitment to self-care, even in digital counceling environments. You familiarize yourself with the basics of radiation safety and get acquainted with most common radiological examinations.
Risk factors and prevention of internal and cancer diseases
Basics of nursing and medication in internal and cancer diseases
Self-care councelling for internal and cancer patients
Radiologic examinations and related radiation safety
Learning materials and recommended literature
Ahonen, O., Blek-Vehkaluoto, M., Ekola, S., Partamies, S., Sulosaari, V & Uski-Tallqvist, T. 2019 (tai uusin painos). Kliininen hoitotyö. Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. Soveltuvin osin
Routasalo, P. & Pitkälä, K. Omahoidon tukeminen. Helsinki. Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2009. Saatavana: Http://
Motivoiva keskustelu (online).Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2014. Saatavilla internetissä (vaatii käyttäjätunnuksen)
Säteilysuojelun perusteet (online).Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020. Saatavilla internetissä (vaatii käyttäjätunnuksen)
Sairaanhoitajien tietokannan artikkelit ja käypä hoito suositukset soveltuvin osin.
Soveltuvien potilasjärjetöjen kotisivut.
Teaching methods
Opintojakson opetusmenetelmät perustuvat konsktruktivistiseen oppimiskäsitykseen, jossa oppiminen nähdään opiskelijan oman toiminnan tuloksena ja sosiaalisella vuorovaikutuksella on siinä keskeinen rooli. Kaikille opetuskerroille tullaan valmistautuneina asiaan jo alustavasti perehtyneinä ja aiheita työstetään pienryhmissä kontakteissa. Uutta tietoa opetellaan soveltamaan opettajan johdolla ja ymmärtämisen painottamisella edistetään mielekästä tiedon jäsentämistä. Oppimisen arviointia toteutetaan monipuolisesti itse- ja vertaisarviointia hyödyntäen.
Student workload
Kontaktiopetus 21 t (sisältää pienryhmätyöskentelyä, simulaatioharjoittelua ja tentin)
Ennakkovalmistautuminen opetuskerroille 28 t (6 t opetuskertaa kohti)
Muu itsenäinen työskentely 45 t (tehtävät 17 t , oppiportin verkkokurssit 3 t, tenttiin valmistautuminen 25 t)
Pienryhmätyöskentely kontaktien ulkopuolella 14 t
Yhteensä 4 x 27 t = 108t
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
You are aware of the healthy lifestyle choices and you are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Satisfactory 2
You have a holistic view of the impact of lifestyle choices on health and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You are able to consistently tell the patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Very good 4
You are able to justify the importance of a healthy lifestyle to a patient and be able to guide patients in a resource-oriented way and prioritize the guidance topics. You have a broad understanding of the most common risk factors of internal and cancer diseases. You are able to tell the patient about his or her illness in a consistent way and to guide the patient about self-care while taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner as well as prioritize the guidance topics. You can assess the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases and know how to affect them. You will be able to tell the patient about his or her illness consistently and provide detailed councelling, while justifying and taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
29.08.2022 - 21.12.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
75 % Face-to-face, 25 % Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Jaana Perttunen
- Hannele Tyrväinen
ZJA22KSSHMLAvoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, lähihoitajasta sairaanhoitajaksi, monimuoto
Purpose of the course
The aim of the course is to learn about prevention, nursing care and support of individual self-care for internal and cancer diseases.
Competences of the course
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Health promotion competence
International and communication competence
Learning outcomes of the course
After completing this course, you are aware of the key risk factors for internal and oncological diseases, and will have the capability for resource-based prevention. You understand the process of nursing a patient with internal and oncological diseases, and learn about the most common nursing methods for treating the above mentioned patient groups. You are able to apply motivational counceling techniques for lifestyle change, and will know how to support patient commitment to self-care, even in digital counceling environments. You familiarize yourself with the basics of radiation safety and get acquainted with most common radiological examinations.
Risk factors and prevention of internal and cancer diseases
Basics of nursing and medication in internal and cancer diseases
Self-care councelling for internal and cancer patients
Radiologic examinations and related radiation safety
Time and location
Elokuu.joulukuu 2022
Learning materials and recommended literature
978-952-63-5139-1 Kliininen hoitotyö: sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoito. 2019. Toim. O. Ahonen, M. Blek-Vehkaluoto, T. Buura, S. Ekola, S. Partamies, V. Sulosaari & S. Antila. 8. uud. p. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.
Oppiportti; Säteilysuojelun verkkokurssi
Teaching methods
Luento-opetus (webinaareissa)
Student workload
Kontaktiopetus ja valmistautuminen 54 t
Kirjalliset tehtävät 27 t
Itsenäinen opiskelu 54 t
Further information for students
Kirjallisten tehtävien ja workshop-tehtävien arviointi 0-5.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
You are aware of the healthy lifestyle choices and you are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Satisfactory 2
You have a holistic view of the impact of lifestyle choices on health and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You are able to consistently tell the patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Very good 4
You are able to justify the importance of a healthy lifestyle to a patient and be able to guide patients in a resource-oriented way and prioritize the guidance topics. You have a broad understanding of the most common risk factors of internal and cancer diseases. You are able to tell the patient about his or her illness in a consistent way and to guide the patient about self-care while taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner as well as prioritize the guidance topics. You can assess the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases and know how to affect them. You will be able to tell the patient about his or her illness consistently and provide detailed councelling, while justifying and taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022
29.08.2022 - 30.10.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Janne Alenius
- Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
ZJA22KSKPAvoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, kätilöt päivä
SOK22KSKätilö (AMK), päivätoteutus
Purpose of the course
The aim of the course is to learn about prevention, nursing care and support of individual self-care for internal and cancer diseases.
Competences of the course
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Health promotion competence
International and communication competence
Learning outcomes of the course
After completing this course, you are aware of the key risk factors for internal and oncological diseases, and will have the capability for resource-based prevention. You understand the process of nursing a patient with internal and oncological diseases, and learn about the most common nursing methods for treating the above mentioned patient groups. You are able to apply motivational counceling techniques for lifestyle change, and will know how to support patient commitment to self-care, even in digital counceling environments. You familiarize yourself with the basics of radiation safety and get acquainted with most common radiological examinations.
Risk factors and prevention of internal and cancer diseases
Basics of nursing and medication in internal and cancer diseases
Self-care councelling for internal and cancer patients
Radiologic examinations and related radiation safety
Learning materials and recommended literature
Ahonen, O., Blek-Vehkaluoto, M., Ekola, S., Partamies, S., Sulosaari, V & Uski-Tallqvist, T. 2019 (tai uusin painos). Kliininen hoitotyö. Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. Soveltuvin osin
Routasalo, P. & Pitkälä, K. Omahoidon tukeminen. Helsinki. Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2009. Saatavana: Http://
Motivoiva keskustelu (online).Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2014. Saatavilla internetissä (vaatii käyttäjätunnuksen)
Säteilysuojelun perusteet (online).Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020. Saatavilla internetissä (vaatii käyttäjätunnuksen)
Sairaanhoitajien tietokannan artikkelit ja käypä hoito suositukset soveltuvin osin.
Soveltuvien potilasjärjetöjen kotisivut.
Teaching methods
Opintojakson opetusmenetelmät perustuvat konsktruktivistiseen oppimiskäsitykseen, jossa oppiminen nähdään opiskelijan oman toiminnan tuloksena ja sosiaalisella vuorovaikutuksella on siinä keskeinen rooli. Kaikille opetuskerroille tullaan valmistautuneina asiaan jo alustavasti perehtyneinä ja aiheita työstetään pienryhmissä kontakteissa. Uutta tietoa opetellaan soveltamaan opettajan johdolla ja ymmärtämisen painottamisella edistetään mielekästä tiedon jäsentämistä. Oppimisen arviointia toteutetaan monipuolisesti itse- ja vertaisarviointia hyödyntäen.
Practical training and working life connections
Opintojaksolla tehdään simulaatioharjoituksia 8h (monimuodoilla vähintään 4h verkossa)
Student workload
Kontaktiopetus 25 t (sisältää pienryhmätyöskentelyä ja tentin 1 t)
Ennakkovalmistautuminen opetuskerroille 36 t (6 t opetuskertaa kohti)
Muu itsenäinen työskentely 35 t (tehtävät 10 t , oppiportin verkkokurssit 2 t, tenttiin valmistautuminen 23 t)
Pienryhmätyöskentely kontaktien ulkopuolella 12 t
Yhteensä 4 x 27 t = 108t
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
You are aware of the healthy lifestyle choices and you are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Satisfactory 2
You have a holistic view of the impact of lifestyle choices on health and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You are able to consistently tell the patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Very good 4
You are able to justify the importance of a healthy lifestyle to a patient and be able to guide patients in a resource-oriented way and prioritize the guidance topics. You have a broad understanding of the most common risk factors of internal and cancer diseases. You are able to tell the patient about his or her illness in a consistent way and to guide the patient about self-care while taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner as well as prioritize the guidance topics. You can assess the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases and know how to affect them. You will be able to tell the patient about his or her illness consistently and provide detailed councelling, while justifying and taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022
14.03.2022 - 20.05.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Janne Alenius
- Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
Teacher in charge
Janne Alenius
SAR21S1Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
ZJA21SSSHPAvoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sairaanhoitajat päivä
Purpose of the course
The aim of the course is to learn about prevention, nursing care and support of individual self-care for internal and cancer diseases.
Competences of the course
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Health promotion competence
International and communication competence
Learning outcomes of the course
After completing this course, you are aware of the key risk factors for internal and oncological diseases, and will have the capability for resource-based prevention. You understand the process of nursing a patient with internal and oncological diseases, and learn about the most common nursing methods for treating the above mentioned patient groups. You are able to apply motivational counceling techniques for lifestyle change, and will know how to support patient commitment to self-care, even in digital counceling environments. You familiarize yourself with the basics of radiation safety and get acquainted with most common radiological examinations.
Risk factors and prevention of internal and cancer diseases
Basics of nursing and medication in internal and cancer diseases
Self-care councelling for internal and cancer patients
Radiologic examinations and related radiation safety
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
You are aware of the healthy lifestyle choices and you are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Satisfactory 2
You have a holistic view of the impact of lifestyle choices on health and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You are able to consistently tell the patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Very good 4
You are able to justify the importance of a healthy lifestyle to a patient and be able to guide patients in a resource-oriented way and prioritize the guidance topics. You have a broad understanding of the most common risk factors of internal and cancer diseases. You are able to tell the patient about his or her illness in a consistent way and to guide the patient about self-care while taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner as well as prioritize the guidance topics. You can assess the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases and know how to affect them. You will be able to tell the patient about his or her illness consistently and provide detailed councelling, while justifying and taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022
14.03.2022 - 20.05.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Janne Alenius
- Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
Teacher in charge
Janne Alenius
ZJA21SSSHMAvoin AMK, sote, Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sairaanhoitajat monimuoto
SAR21SMSairaanhoitaja (AMK)
Purpose of the course
The aim of the course is to learn about prevention, nursing care and support of individual self-care for internal and cancer diseases.
Competences of the course
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence
Patient safety and quality assurance competence
Health promotion competence
International and communication competence
Learning outcomes of the course
After completing this course, you are aware of the key risk factors for internal and oncological diseases, and will have the capability for resource-based prevention. You understand the process of nursing a patient with internal and oncological diseases, and learn about the most common nursing methods for treating the above mentioned patient groups. You are able to apply motivational counceling techniques for lifestyle change, and will know how to support patient commitment to self-care, even in digital counceling environments. You familiarize yourself with the basics of radiation safety and get acquainted with most common radiological examinations.
Risk factors and prevention of internal and cancer diseases
Basics of nursing and medication in internal and cancer diseases
Self-care councelling for internal and cancer patients
Radiologic examinations and related radiation safety
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
You are aware of the healthy lifestyle choices and you are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Satisfactory 2
You have a holistic view of the impact of lifestyle choices on health and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven and health-promoting way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You can tell a patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-driven way. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases. You are able to consistently tell the patient about his or her illness and guide the patient about the basics of self-care. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Very good 4
You are able to justify the importance of a healthy lifestyle to a patient and be able to guide patients in a resource-oriented way and prioritize the guidance topics. You have a broad understanding of the most common risk factors of internal and cancer diseases. You are able to tell the patient about his or her illness in a consistent way and to guide the patient about self-care while taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You are able to justify the importance of healthy lifestyle to a patient and are able to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner as well as prioritize the guidance topics. You can assess the risk factors of the most common internal and cancer diseases and know how to affect them. You will be able to tell the patient about his or her illness consistently and provide detailed councelling, while justifying and taking into account the individual situation of the patient. You know the basics of radiation safety and know how to guide the patient in relation to radiological examinations.