Professional Practice in Team LeadershipLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: SOSSW204
5 op
Responsible person
- Timo Hintikka
You know the requirements of first-line management, client work guidance and client process management in different social and early childhood education services. You know the tasks of a team leader and the principles of multi-professional work. You have the basic capabilities for working in different areas of first-line management, especially in directing and developing client work and working as a team leader. You get to study the different areas of first-line management in practice. You are able to assess their competence and development needs.
Supervised practical training in first-line management in a unit of social services or early childhood education. The central training contents include first-line management and its different areas, client work guidance, client process management as well as teamwork and its management. The student implements the training on the basis of general and personal objectives. The practical training is supervised by the first-line manager or similar employee at the unit of social services or early childhood education. Separately agreed learning assignments and a student-driven final assessment. The practical training instructions provide more detailed descriptions of contents and assignments.
Practical training in social services client work 1, 2 and 3 as well as the course “Leadership and teamwork” must be successfully completed.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Pass/Fail. (S) The practical training is assessed based on the general learning objective of the course according to which yuo must know the requirements of first-line management, client work guidance and client process management in different social and early childhood education services. You know the tasks of a team leader and the principles of multi-professional work. You have the basic capabilities for working in different areas of first-line management, especially in directing and developing client work and working as a team leader. You get to know and try different first-line management tasks in practice. You are able to assess their competence and development needs. The assessment is based on the your activity and tasks at the place of practical training, the supervisor’s feedback and evaluation, your self-evaluation and a written report.
Further information
01.08.2024 - 31.05.2025
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 80
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Tuomas Lallukka
- Anniina Berg
- Timo Hintikka
- Jenni Koivumäki
Teacher in charge
Timo Hintikka
SOS22SMSosionomi (AMK)
You know the requirements of first-line management, client work guidance and client process management in different social and early childhood education services. You know the tasks of a team leader and the principles of multi-professional work. You have the basic capabilities for working in different areas of first-line management, especially in directing and developing client work and working as a team leader. You get to study the different areas of first-line management in practice. You are able to assess their competence and development needs.
Supervised practical training in first-line management in a unit of social services or early childhood education. The central training contents include first-line management and its different areas, client work guidance, client process management as well as teamwork and its management. The student implements the training on the basis of general and personal objectives. The practical training is supervised by the first-line manager or similar employee at the unit of social services or early childhood education. Separately agreed learning assignments and a student-driven final assessment. The practical training instructions provide more detailed descriptions of contents and assignments.
Time and location
Opiskelija suorittaa harjoittelun oman HOPSin mukaisesti. Lähijohtaminen ja tiimityö opintojakso tulee olla suoritettu ennen harjoittelua.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Teaching methods
Käytännön harjoittelu (3vk). Opiskelija osallistuu toimintayksikön johtajan tehtäviin toimien hänen ”työparinaan”. Harjoittelun painopiste on johtamistyön havainnoinnissa, seuraamisessa ja mahdollisuuksien mukaan osallistumisessa lähijohtamistyöhön. Pienimuotoisen kehittämistehtävän toteuttaminen sekä harjoitteluraportin laatiminen.
Practical training and working life connections
Harjoittelu toteuteaan työelämässä sosiaali- tai kasvatusalan yksikössä.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Harjoitteluraportti tulee palauttaa kahden viikon kuluessa harjoittelun päättymisestä.
International connections
Harjoittelun suorituspaikasta riippuen voi olla KV-yhteyksiä.
Alternative completion methods
Harjoittelun voi hyväksilukea aiemmalla riittävällä alakohtaisella työkokemuksella opintojakson tavoitteiden ja sisältöjen mukaisella hallinnollisella johtamistyöllä sosiaali- ja/tai kasvatusalalla. Opiskelija osoittaa Ahotoinnoissa vastaavan osaamisensa harjoitteluraportin muodossa (ks. Harjoitteluohjeistus Moodlessa).
Student workload
Opiskelija työskentelee kolme viikkoa harjoittelupaikassa (7 t/pv, 35 t/viikko = 105 t), työpäivien pituuden ollessa keskimäärin 7 t.
Oppimistehtävien tekemiseen ja harjoitteluraportin tekemiseen on varattu 30 t.
Content scheduling
Oman HOPSin mukaisesti 3. opiskeluvuotena.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
Pass/Fail. (S) The practical training is assessed based on the general learning objective of the course according to which yuo must know the requirements of first-line management, client work guidance and client process management in different social and early childhood education services. You know the tasks of a team leader and the principles of multi-professional work. You have the basic capabilities for working in different areas of first-line management, especially in directing and developing client work and working as a team leader. You get to know and try different first-line management tasks in practice. You are able to assess their competence and development needs. The assessment is based on the your activity and tasks at the place of practical training, the supervisor’s feedback and evaluation, your self-evaluation and a written report.
Practical training in social services client work 1, 2 and 3 as well as the course “Leadership and teamwork” must be successfully completed.
Further information
20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024
11.03.2024 - 14.04.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 60
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Tuomas Lallukka
- Anniina Berg
- Jenni Koivumäki
- Timo Hintikka
Teacher in charge
Timo Hintikka
SOS21SMSosionomi (AMK)
You know the requirements of first-line management, client work guidance and client process management in different social and early childhood education services. You know the tasks of a team leader and the principles of multi-professional work. You have the basic capabilities for working in different areas of first-line management, especially in directing and developing client work and working as a team leader. You get to study the different areas of first-line management in practice. You are able to assess their competence and development needs.
Supervised practical training in first-line management in a unit of social services or early childhood education. The central training contents include first-line management and its different areas, client work guidance, client process management as well as teamwork and its management. The student implements the training on the basis of general and personal objectives. The practical training is supervised by the first-line manager or similar employee at the unit of social services or early childhood education. Separately agreed learning assignments and a student-driven final assessment. The practical training instructions provide more detailed descriptions of contents and assignments.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
Pass/Fail. (S) The practical training is assessed based on the general learning objective of the course according to which yuo must know the requirements of first-line management, client work guidance and client process management in different social and early childhood education services. You know the tasks of a team leader and the principles of multi-professional work. You have the basic capabilities for working in different areas of first-line management, especially in directing and developing client work and working as a team leader. You get to know and try different first-line management tasks in practice. You are able to assess their competence and development needs. The assessment is based on the your activity and tasks at the place of practical training, the supervisor’s feedback and evaluation, your self-evaluation and a written report.
Practical training in social services client work 1, 2 and 3 as well as the course “Leadership and teamwork” must be successfully completed.
Further information
01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023
09.01.2023 - 31.07.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 60
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Tuomas Lallukka
- kp502 sosiaalialan yliopettaja
- Anniina Berg
- Timo Hintikka
- Jenni Koivumäki
- Erikka Levälahti
Teacher in charge
Timo Hintikka
SOS20SMSosionomi (AMK)
You know the requirements of first-line management, client work guidance and client process management in different social and early childhood education services. You know the tasks of a team leader and the principles of multi-professional work. You have the basic capabilities for working in different areas of first-line management, especially in directing and developing client work and working as a team leader. You get to study the different areas of first-line management in practice. You are able to assess their competence and development needs.
Supervised practical training in first-line management in a unit of social services or early childhood education. The central training contents include first-line management and its different areas, client work guidance, client process management as well as teamwork and its management. The student implements the training on the basis of general and personal objectives. The practical training is supervised by the first-line manager or similar employee at the unit of social services or early childhood education. Separately agreed learning assignments and a student-driven final assessment. The practical training instructions provide more detailed descriptions of contents and assignments.
Teaching methods
Harjoittelu sosiaalialan tai varhaiskasvatuksen yksikössä.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
Pass/Fail. (S) The practical training is assessed based on the general learning objective of the course according to which yuo must know the requirements of first-line management, client work guidance and client process management in different social and early childhood education services. You know the tasks of a team leader and the principles of multi-professional work. You have the basic capabilities for working in different areas of first-line management, especially in directing and developing client work and working as a team leader. You get to know and try different first-line management tasks in practice. You are able to assess their competence and development needs. The assessment is based on the your activity and tasks at the place of practical training, the supervisor’s feedback and evaluation, your self-evaluation and a written report.
Practical training in social services client work 1, 2 and 3 as well as the course “Leadership and teamwork” must be successfully completed.
Further information