Digital Service Management in Educational OrganizationsLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: AJ00BS40
5 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Responsible person
- Jaana Ahlqvist
The purpose of the study unit
In this study unit, you will become familiar with the principles of service management and service processes. After completing the course, you will understand how these principles can be utilised in different tasks in the digital world of educational institutions. Digitalisation and increasingly electronic service processes bring new opportunities and challenges to the environment of educational institutions. They change the work of the teacher and the entire staff of the educational institution, and the operational models of the organisation in many different ways.
Study unit competences
In this study unit, you will develop your developmental skills and future orientation.
Future orientation refers to a teacher’s
- willingness and ability to contribute to the future of learning, work and society
- ability to perceive societal, economic and social developments and to identify changes that take place in professional competences in their own field
- inquiry-based approach to work and a critical but constructive attitude towards the existing operational methods and structures
- courage to think creatively and change their ways of working in a new way to promote social equality, education and ethically sustainable development.
Developmental skills refer to a teacher's
- ability to further develop their own and their organisation’s practices and operational culture in collaboration with others
- willingness and ability to develop vocational learning, work and entrepreneurship at regional, national and international level
- ability to acquire and justify information on the development needs of vocational learning and the world of work, in order to use it to promote learning
- forming of relevant partnerships networks in an innovative and solution-oriented manner.
Learning objectives
After the course, you will understand the principles of developing service management and service processes in the digital context. You will be able to apply them in your student- and customer-oriented development activities. You will have the skills to participate in discussions focusing on the possibilities of using digitalisation in your organisation or operating environment. You will also be able to critically assess these possibilities. In addition, you will identify future developments in order to promote digital services that support learning.
Key concepts: digital service management and service processes.
During the study unit, you will form an understanding of identifying customer needs and customer-oriented and service-oriented thinking in the digitalised environment of educational institutions. The learning materials and assignments will enable you to consider the issues under review from the perspective of your own work or pedagogical operating environment.
Basic skills for e-learning
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The criteria for assessing the approved level are as follows:
Developmental skills:
You will understand the principles of service management in a digitalised context and recognise their significance in developing student- and/or customer-oriented processes. You will have the skills to take part in discussions focusing on the possibilities of using digitalisation in your organisation or operating environment. You will be able to critically assess these possibilities.
Future orientation:
You will be able to see future development needs in your own work and your work community in order to promote digital services that support learning. You will identify future developments in order to promote digital services that support learning.
Further information
The target group consists of people engaged in teaching and guidance tasks and interested in digital service management, those studying in or intending to engage in teacher education, and the administrative and support service staff of educational institutions.
Emilia Erol acts as the course teacher and specialist. Erol’s areas of expertise include digital solutions and service business in the tourism sector. The study unit is structured and implemented as teaching practice in teacher education. Heli Kinnunen is the educator in charge, and Jaana Ahlqvist is the practical training tutor (supervising teacher).
01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022
19.09.2022 - 15.12.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Professional Teacher Education
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 15
- Jaana Ahlqvist
- Heli Kinnunen
AJA19SJHAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YSY21SJSosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, Sosiaali- ja terveysalan johtaminen
AJA19SJFAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YTK20S1Kestävä energia (YAMK)
AJA19SJBAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA19SJVAAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA19SJVAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA19SJSAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA19SJJAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA19SJHOAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA19SJHKAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YTR21S1Rakennustekniikan tutkinto-ohjelma (YAMK)
YSY20SMSosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK tutkinto-ohjelma, Monialainen kuntoutus
YSY20SKSosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK tutkinto-ohjelma, Kliininen asiantuntija
YSY20S1Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK tutkinto-ohjelma,Sosiaali- ja terveysalan johtaminen, ylempi AMK
AJA19SJVOAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA19SJVIAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA19SJVEAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJVOAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJVIAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA19SJEAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJVNAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJVYAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJVMAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YTH20S1Elinkaaren hallinta (YAMK)
AJA20SJAVocational Teacher Education
YTO20S1Teknologialiiketoiminnan johtaminen (YAMK)
AJA19SJAAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA20SJBVocational Teacher Education
YSV21S1Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
YSY21STSosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, terveyden edistäminen
YTH21S1Elinkaaren hallinta (YAMK)
AJA21SJVAAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YTB21S1Projektijohtaminen YAMK (teknologia)
AJA21SJVAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJVEAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJJAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJSAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJHKAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJHAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJAAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YSY21SMSosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, monialainen kuntoutus
AJA21SJFAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YSY21SKSosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, kliininen asiantuntija
AJA21SJBAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YTV21S1Insinööri (ylempi AMK), verkostojohtaminen
AJA20SJEAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA20SJVAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA20SJLAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA20SJSAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YTO21S1Insinööri (ylempi AMK), teknologialiiketoiminnan johtaminen
AJA20SJVEAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YTM21S1Insinööri (ylempi AMK), Digitaalinen toimitusketju
AJA20SJVAAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YTK21S1Insinööri (ylempi AMK), kestävä energia
YTG21S1Insinööri (ylempi AMK), robotiikka
YTB20S1Projektijohtaminen YAMK (teknologia)
AJA20SJJAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA20SJFAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA20SJHKAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA20SJHAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YSY20STMaster’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
YSY20SJMaster’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
YSV20S1Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
YSB20S1Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
YLO21S1Insinööri (ylempi AMK), logistiikka
AJA21SJVVAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJVUAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YTV20S1Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
YTG20S1Master's Degree Programme in Robotics
YSB21S1Projektijohtaminen YAMK
YTH22K1Elinkaaren hallinta (YAMK)
AJA20SJVIAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA20SJVOAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
The purpose of the study unit
In this study unit, you will become familiar with the principles of service management and service processes. After completing the course, you will understand how these principles can be utilised in different tasks in the digital world of educational institutions. Digitalisation and increasingly electronic service processes bring new opportunities and challenges to the environment of educational institutions. They change the work of the teacher and the entire staff of the educational institution, and the operational models of the organisation in many different ways.
Study unit competences
In this study unit, you will develop your developmental skills and future orientation.
Future orientation refers to a teacher’s
- willingness and ability to contribute to the future of learning, work and society
- ability to perceive societal, economic and social developments and to identify changes that take place in professional competences in their own field
- inquiry-based approach to work and a critical but constructive attitude towards the existing operational methods and structures
- courage to think creatively and change their ways of working in a new way to promote social equality, education and ethically sustainable development.
Developmental skills refer to a teacher's
- ability to further develop their own and their organisation’s practices and operational culture in collaboration with others
- willingness and ability to develop vocational learning, work and entrepreneurship at regional, national and international level
- ability to acquire and justify information on the development needs of vocational learning and the world of work, in order to use it to promote learning
- forming of relevant partnerships networks in an innovative and solution-oriented manner.
Learning objectives
After the course, you will understand the principles of developing service management and service processes in the digital context. You will be able to apply them in your student- and customer-oriented development activities. You will have the skills to participate in discussions focusing on the possibilities of using digitalisation in your organisation or operating environment. You will also be able to critically assess these possibilities. In addition, you will identify future developments in order to promote digital services that support learning.
Key concepts: digital service management and service processes.
During the study unit, you will form an understanding of identifying customer needs and customer-oriented and service-oriented thinking in the digitalised environment of educational institutions. The learning materials and assignments will enable you to consider the issues under review from the perspective of your own work or pedagogical operating environment.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Litterature (competence development in working life, service management)
Eklund, A. 2021. Osaamiskartta – Osaamisen kehittäminen työelämässä. Helsinki: Grano Oy.
Grönroos, C. 2020. Palvelujen johtaminen ja markkinointi. Helsinki: Alma Talent Oy. E-kirja.
Koskinen, J. 2021. Oppimisen johtaja (CLO). Helsinki: Ajantieto Oy.
Kupias, P. & Peltola, R. 2019. Oppiminen työssä. Gaudeamus Oy. E-kirja.
Books, publications and e-resources:
Digivisio2030. Korkeakoulujen yhteinen digivisio 2030. Suomesta joustavan opiskelun mallimaa. Viitattu 2.5.2022.
Fredriksson, M. & Saarivirta, T. 2015. Johtaminen eilen ja tänään -johtamisen rooli oppimisen mahdollistajana. Ammattikasvatuksen aikakauskirja 17, 1. Viitattu 2.5.2022.
Gerdt, B. & Eskelinen, S. 2018. Digiajan asiakaskokemus – Oppia kansainvälisiltä huipuilta. Helsinki: Alma Talent Oy. E-kirja.
Hakala, A., Ikonen, H., Pintilä, T. (toim). Koulutuksen kehittämisen katsaus 2020. Uudistuva korkeakoulutus ja digitaalinen palveluympäristö. Viitattu 2.5.2022.
Kosonen, M. 2019. Tiedolla johtamisen käsikirja. Viitattu 2.5.2022.
Lavonen, J., Korhonen, T., Kukkonen, M. & Sormunen, K. 2014. Innovatiivinen koulu. Teoksessa Niemi, H. & Multisilta, J. (toim.), Rajaton luokkahuone Jyväskylä: PS-kustannus.
Mertala, P. 2019. (Vasta)kertomuksia koulutuksen digitalisaatiosta. Kasvatus & Aika, 13, 3. Viitattu 2.5.2022.
Tanhua-Piiroinen, E., Kaarakainen, S.-S., Kaarakainen M.-T. & Viteli, J. 2020. Digiajan peruskoulu II. Valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimustoiminnan julkaisusarja 17/2020 Helsinki: Valtioneuvoston kanslia. Viitattu 2.5.2022.
Vaikuttavuustyöpajan raportti - Yleissivistävän koulutuksen opetus- ja oppimisympäristöjen digitalisointi – Kooste sidosryhmien näkemyksistä. Valtiontalouden tarkastusviraston selvitykset 1/2020. Helsinki. Viitattu 2.5.2022.
Viitala, R. 2021. Henkilöstöjohtaminen: keskeiset käsitteet, teoriat ja trendit. Edita Publishing Oy. E-kirja.
You will find additional learning materials and assignments in the online learning environment.
Teaching methods
This study unit is implemented as online studies and it is based on independent work and peer work. You will participate in both online discussions and in the building of knowledge together in peer reviews. The course includes online guidance.
The course starts with a kick-off webinar that provides orientation for the studies. In addition, you can book a personal guidance session at a later stage of the autumn term (optional). Otherwise, the guidance is implemented and the learning assignments are completed online and through independent work.
The implementation methods of the course will deepen your professional competence and the development of your vocational field.
Student workload
In total, the course consists of 135 hours (5 x 27h) of students’ work
- Orientation (incl. familiarization with learning materials, kick-off webinar) 8 h
- Self-directed learning in online environment, reading the learning materials, completing the learning assignments 116 h
- Peer tutoring and self-assessment 10 h
- Feedback 1 h
Content scheduling
The course includes:
1. Online kick-off webinar Wed 21.9.2022 at 15.00 -17.00 (to be saved).
2. Guidance session after week 42 (optional, personal guidance). Book the session in the Moodle calendar at the beginning of the studies.
Further information for students
The assessment is qualitative and is based on learning objectives. The methods for evaluation of the learning process are completed learning assignments and self-assessment. Competence assessment is based on criteria and the teacher makes the assessment decision once all the learning tasks have been completed. The assessment material consists of the learning assignments of the study unit and self-assessment tasks.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
The criteria for assessing the approved level are as follows:
Developmental skills:
You will understand the principles of service management in a digitalised context and recognise their significance in developing student- and/or customer-oriented processes. You will have the skills to take part in discussions focusing on the possibilities of using digitalisation in your organisation or operating environment. You will be able to critically assess these possibilities.
Future orientation:
You will be able to see future development needs in your own work and your work community in order to promote digital services that support learning. You will identify future developments in order to promote digital services that support learning.
Basic skills for e-learning
Further information
The target group consists of people engaged in teaching and guidance tasks and interested in digital service management, those studying in or intending to engage in teacher education, and the administrative and support service staff of educational institutions.
Emilia Erol acts as the course teacher and specialist. Erol’s areas of expertise include digital solutions and service business in the tourism sector. The study unit is structured and implemented as teaching practice in teacher education. Heli Kinnunen is the educator in charge, and Jaana Ahlqvist is the practical training tutor (supervising teacher).